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Messages - Jarkko

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EVE Online / Re: Incursion stuff
« on: January 21, 2011, 06:26:44 AM »
Still wondering what I should fly. I went to Jita last night with a shopping list.

I could fit a Drake with an active tank (but not that massive DPS tbh; need to get HAM skills up for some close up action), or a Caracal with 250+ DPS at 100+ km range (or notably lower range and DPS using precision missiles, if smaller ships need to be taken out), or a Blackbird with some DPS and ECM from ~50 km and a sort of tank.

As I've not played EVE that much for a while I guess it would not be too smart to rely me to take care of any crucial thing. I guess I could quite confidently and reliably warp in a Caracal to 100km range and hit number 1 on my keyboard (which launches all the launchers), and hit the Deargoddletmewarptohell button when things get hairy.

You know, something like:

Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Large Shield Extender II
V-M15 Braced Multispectral Shield Matrix
Medium Shield Booster I
Sensor Booster II,Targeting Range
Sensor Booster II,Scan Resolution
Heavy Missile Launcher II,Scourge Fury Heavy Missile
Heavy Missile Launcher II,Scourge Fury Heavy Missile
Heavy Missile Launcher II,Scourge Fury Heavy Missile
Heavy Missile Launcher II,Scourge Fury Heavy Missile
Heavy Missile Launcher II,Scourge Fury Heavy Missile

Anyway, I am happy to bring along what ever is deemed to be needed :)

EVE Online / Re: Incursion stuff
« on: January 19, 2011, 03:36:53 PM »
So, what should I fly then? I can fly the Caldari stuff, and have a Bassie in hangar; other than that the usual Caldari stuff (Drake, missile cruisers) and the Hawk and Harpy AF. I suppose a Drake or Caracal would be in order? Or maybe a Blackbird (or would it be suicide to fly a Blackbird in a PvP enviroment when we are just four)?

EVE Online / Re: Incursion stuff
« on: January 18, 2011, 07:57:11 AM »
Wednesday night I can't log on, but on Thursday I can be there :)

EVE Online / Re: Future direction for MAADI
« on: January 14, 2011, 11:17:47 AM »
Well, time for me to hibernate in EVE again. Might be for good this time :(

EVE Online / Re: Future direction for MAADI
« on: January 05, 2011, 07:56:25 AM »
Well, would you like going into 0.0 space? (Same question goes for everyone really)
If so, what kind of activities would you like to do (focus on industry, mining, pvp, other?)
Or, if not, would you like to get other coop activities going? And what? PVE, mining, casual PVP?
Like I said already, *anything* we do together would be cool. Be it corp mining operations in high-sec, if that is what people want. However, if  we would have PvP roams then I would be there drooling, be they only hunting roams with corp members, or joining a mega alliance at war in 0.0, or anything between them.

Quite honestly in my opinion, the PvE in EVE is not that hot compared with most other MMOs. Sure, the PvE stuff is needed for a steady income, although I might now just as well buy plexes and sell them for ISK to avoid the EVE PvE :p Still, if the corp wants PvE, then lets do that. I play MMOs for the social aspect (to get things done together with others gives me more kicks than getting something done alone), and who knows, maybe there would be some random PvP happening during PvE roams :)

EDIT: Yay, 1000th post here :D

EVE Online / Re: Future direction for MAADI
« on: January 04, 2011, 08:06:22 AM »
People helping making something happening helps  :P
My previous two attempts failed miserably to get anything going, so I think my ideas are not that hot ;)

EVE Online / Re: Future direction for MAADI
« on: January 03, 2011, 05:21:35 AM »
Well, as long as there is something going on as a corp, I should be there. Bought one month more, hoping to see something happens :)

If you can't tank or heal a PUG in normal mode, you won't be able to tank or heal a guild group in heroics. Get used to save the retards in normal PUGs, in heroics even if people do everything by the book shit will happen, so you need to have the reflexes you learned from saving idiot PUGgers.

This said with the massive experience of having completed *one* heroic run (and having attemtped a few others). The weird thing is that the one successful heroic I did heal a semi-PUG, so sometimes you can win the jackpot in the dungeonfinder :)

EVE Online / Re: Mission Nights once again?
« on: December 16, 2010, 04:38:21 PM »
I am in if just the schedule fits :)

EVE Online / Re: Me wanna KEEEL stuff!!!
« on: December 09, 2010, 07:30:35 PM »
So, I presume there won't necessarily be a flood of Maadi members available for a roam?

World of Warcraft Retail / Re: XP gain changes at each expansion cap.
« on: December 08, 2010, 06:45:22 AM »
I don't quite honestly see the problem  ???

You get exactly same XP for questing as before. If you don't like doing quests for XP but grind instead, then who the hell would be so stupid as to grind lower level mobs?

I just don't get what you people are crying about, sorry :(

EVE Online / Re: Me wanna KEEEL stuff!!!
« on: December 05, 2010, 02:39:00 PM »
Well, it would be cool to get something going with MAADI again :)   

World of Warcraft Retail / Re: New BG Brackets
« on: December 03, 2010, 02:57:19 PM »
WSG has these days a 15 minute timer, so they never last longer than that. Arathi Basin goes to 1600 points these days, so much faster than before (under 15 minutes usually in my experience, altough some even and hard fought AB's have lasted about 25 minutes).

Leveling in BG's is *very* fast as Alliance (very short waiting times to get to BG's, at least for my toons on the various servers where I have alli toons) and decent as Horde (sometimes several minutes of queuing, but it is easy to do PvE while waiting). Also the PvP rewards are nice while leveling up toons (certain things like Chest armour are not available until level 60 though), the PvP gear is very good even if you mostly do PvE (for example, it takes 120 Honour to buy the basic stuff at level 18 (weapon, jewelry, WSG trinket), and 120 is something you can collect in 2-3 fights during the weekend if you run BG's where you get the extra honour for participiating; basically if you run a WSG on a WSG weekend once per day during the weekend, you will have more than enough honour for the stuff).

EDIT: And Caradir is refering to the original meaning of twink: , ie something pretty to whome you buy expensive stuff, and then use for your own pleasures (if you are, ummm...  aligned that way).

EVE Online / Where have all the pilots gone?
« on: December 02, 2010, 08:38:36 AM »
Been logged on occasionally from last weekend, and I've so far failed to notice an MAADI pilots online at the same time as I am. At what times do you guys usually log on these days? :)

World of Warcraft Retail / Re: Revamp (The Shattering) Early Impressions
« on: December 01, 2010, 09:28:38 AM »
Azshara is by far the coolest zone now IMO :)   It's so cool the temperature actually fell to -25 Celsius over here when I started to explore it (true story!).

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