Author Topic: A MAADI Roam - No Kills :(  (Read 1153 times)

Offline Mangala

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A MAADI Roam - No Kills :(
« on: February 10, 2009, 09:45:51 AM »
C&Ping from corp section:

Last night 8 of us formed up and travelled to Genesis to visit the EVE Gate and find a fight or two hopefully.

The journey through low-sec was very quiet and we spent some time in the New Eden and Dead End systems without being bothered by any one :-X  We kept together moving as a unit and people listended to the FC alot.

On our return journey towards hisec, I jumped through a gate and lo and behold there was a flashy red guy there in a Phobos accompanied by a non flashy Dominix, immediately I called the rest of the gang through into the system and we uncloaked from the gate-jump and I called the Phobos as primary target. Points went on him as did ECM and we began working him down.  Then the Dominix joined in and started cap draining people and setting drones loose, so he was jammed also.  By this stage the Phobos was in half armor and was actually managing to out rep our damage (I failed a touch and split the damage that was available to the Domi too), Noj was close to going down so I warped us off the field however not before we lost Hrod.

For our first pvp engagament it was great, the group did well - kills would have been yummy of course - and I learned not to split targets and to keep my cool.

We continued on back to hisec and metup with Hrod who had fit a fresh ship by this time.  Then we headed off to Mista, the final hisec system before a lowsec entry pipline into Providence!

We took an age to get there, but a few of us did and we then jumped into the lowsec pipe and headed down to Misaba & R3-.  While in Misaba we lost Mac - we had a safe scanned down while I was off making another safe and he didnt get out in time Sad  The few of us left then moved on through R3- and ended up in X-R. I continued creating safe's and warping us about until we had a thought to roam that systems belts looking for a provi local or two. We had an inkling a large group - 15 or so - was following us, but we didnt care we wanted to see blood!  In the last belt we found one of the guys that had done for Mac, so we tackled his Deimos and gave it a go. However not to be as both an Arazu and a Pilgrim warped in and supported him (we had him moving rapidly towards structure), while slaughtering us.

The chap we jumped convoed me after we were in pods (warped out to a safe obviously) and expressed his pleasure at a good fight, told us he was surprised we managed to evade the searchers for so long (about 30minutes) and queried why we chose Providence, we then said out farewells and goodfight's in local  :D
Then we died horribly as we jumped our pods into a bubble camp (took their time!) in R3- on the X-R gate.

So all in all a good night, lots of lessons learned (mid-safe refresher, target calling and so on) and a thirst to actually kill stuff awakened in us all I think!

Seriously if you read this and still are undecided on EVE, then come over anyways - we can learn from this together and kill things!!!
« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 09:58:36 AM by Mangala »
"May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk."

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Re: A MAADI Roam - No Kills :(
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2009, 10:05:27 AM »
I died, horribly... Twice and had a good time :)