Author Topic: Long term investment needs  (Read 1028 times)

Offline peo

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Long term investment needs
« on: August 07, 2009, 02:18:44 PM »
I've been thinking a bit about the investment needs we will have in the longer term.
As it looks right now the short term cash flow is covered with the two reactions. So the long term has two main reasons as I see it.
1. improve our economy further (makes it possible to run our own ship replacements etc)
2. solidify and improve our standing in the alliance in order to gain more say in visions and long term plans
Apart from this we also need a healthier buffer in the wallet.

To start with 2, what is needed to solidify and improve our standing?
I think that the simplest is holding our own JB node. (investment between 900m-1.5bn)
Apart from that I think we need to be able to at short notice put up at least one deathstar, if someone is silly enough to start a pos sov war. As sov will most likely change in 6 months or so we can hope the reliance on deathstars will be done away with and replaced with something more interesting. In either case we will most likely have to be prepared to invest cash to be able to get stuff done which is the need for a larger buffer in the wallet (I would say 4bn or so is a decent number as it allows to set up 2 deathstars and still have some left)

However we still need to improve our earnings. The main investment here is the remaining bpos for parts and possibly eventually for more ships as well. From the looks of it we are lacking 9 bpos for building carriers and dreads, 10 if we want both missile and turret hardpoints.
Given a average price of 1.3bn the investment is about 11.7bn for the parts.

In addition to this I've been toying with the idea that the corp get a few hulks for the members to borrow, cheep fitted and mostly meant to be used in corp mining ops. It would lessen the investment and threshold someone might feel coming out to fountain and joining the fun. Lets say five hulks and strips perhaps 600m in costs.

This ends up with the following:
JB node: 0.9 bn initially going towards 1.5bn total with defenses
Blueprints: 11.7bn
Hulks: 0.6bn
Wallet: 3bn (we have 1bn right now)

Total investment: 16.2bn isk

Possible additions to this could be corp rorqual/orca or similar.