Author Topic: New planetary and nebulae graphics...  (Read 1345 times)

Offline Mangala

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New planetary and nebulae graphics...
« on: January 11, 2009, 05:43:35 PM »
... are not coming in the March 10 expansion, but over the summer at some stage.

CCP Torfifrans:

We were hoping to get new planets and nebulas in for Apocrypha, but have limited resources and essentially had to choose between new renovated visual effects for turrets, modules, explosions, warp etc or new planets and nebulas. We chose effects because we felt that they were more important since the game is very much about blowing people up, webbing them, podding them etc. I am sure there are people who feel differently and I respect that. We are dying for new planets ourselves, it's just a question in what order we renovate. It's either doing it piece by piece or coming out with one large expansion much further down the road with everything in it.

Anyway, we have people working on this, but I can't tell you exactly when we'll have something available. The thing is we don't want to make new planets and nebulas just to make new planets and nebulas. They have to look great, and that takes time, effort, iteration and a lot of tuning. And knowing our artists, I can assure you, they want their time for their tuning. And every time they've gotten that, the results have been awesome, and I'm sure they will be this time as well.
     Originally by: MotherMoonp.s.(with more time please consider making nebulas have fixed posistions in the eve universe. So as yo warp towards jita which is in a blue nebula, you can see that nebula getting bigger and bigger in the background.

That's exactly the system being developed. Large stellar bodies all around the known universe, creating a landscape through which you travel. So you can really be in the "Shoulder of Orion" etc. I hope we can get it out this summer. As things look today, it looks probable.
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