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Messages - elv

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11
Other MMO's we have played / Re: Champions Beta
« on: July 17, 2009, 12:34:01 PM »
I have been successful in getting a beta key too!!

laters elv

Other MMO's we have played / Re: Champions Beta
« on: July 16, 2009, 01:53:09 PM »
looks pretty good ill probs give this a go.

laters elv

whats CO?

how are u managing to kid yourself that coh is a good game admit it, the game is clunky, crap and comparable to some of the worse games on my c64.

laters elv

General Gaming / Re: Fallen Earth
« on: July 09, 2009, 08:06:31 AM »
i could be interested what kind of game is it as I am currently not playing wow much so am at a loose end :)

llaters elv

the longevity will be somewhat extended as with each alt the story will be differnet choices and conclusions etc where as the reality with wow is you do the exact same lore on every alt to get to 80 pretty much. I am also hoping they give us a nice big universe to adventure round :)

I cant wait for this one dare i quote them and say its a wow killer :P

laters elv

General Gaming / Re: City of Heroes - User-Generated Missions
« on: July 03, 2009, 02:23:21 PM »
what you guys dont dress up while playing MMOS?

(clinks away in homeade tinfoil armour)

laters elv

The Dog & Duck / Re: Gaikai
« on: July 01, 2009, 06:54:11 PM »
yeah im a collectaholic cloud doesnt sit on my shelf and look nice gief boxes

laters elv

Other MMO's we have played / Re: Star Trek Online
« on: June 30, 2009, 11:09:41 PM »
is this game gonna be charcter based ala wow ?? surley there needs to be some spaceship flying (Not just piloting but other crew functionality)???

laters elv

The Dog & Duck / Re: DAYUM! Transformers 2 Trailer & Teaser!!!
« on: June 25, 2009, 03:59:16 PM »
yeah id agree with you good action, a few laughs, non stop explosions slow mo and epic score, pretty much the same as transformers 1,  I think my dissapointment stems from the endless grey silver nameless charcterless transformers and their seemingly unlimited powers (seem to be more like terminators than transformers). why do they refuse to use any any of the existing charcters, or maybe they are and im just not knowledgable on transformers since the original generation, the only ones i recgnised that were new addtions in transformers 2 were ravage (the cat from soundwave) and jetfire.

but overall worth a visit to the cinema if for megan fox alone !

laters elv

EVE Online / Re: EVE on TV (More 4, Tonight)
« on: June 23, 2009, 11:21:05 PM »
Does secondlife even qualify as a game, I dont know anyone that plays it suggesting that its not the gamer crowd that subscribes to it, just weirdos i guess.

laters elv

The Dog & Duck / Re: DAYUM! Transformers 2 Trailer & Teaser!!!
« on: June 20, 2009, 10:12:06 PM »
yeah ive heard bad things im off on wednesday, so will see....

have to agree michael bay was sucks, seems we got lucky the first movie was good.

your commenst on transformers 2 are how i also felt about terminator salvation its a good action movie for the big screen but little more.

laters elv

World of Warcraft Retail / Re: Running through Azeroth
« on: June 20, 2009, 09:58:24 PM »
by the way not only is vegemite a pretender its absolutely horrible , it is not even worthy of being mentioned in marmites presence. the ozzies clearly couldnt reverse engineer our brilliance and just made some brown stuff and put iti ina galss jar with a yellow label.

laters elv

General Gaming / Re: What other MMO's have you played?
« on: June 20, 2009, 09:56:10 PM »
well as for me I have little MMO history to speak of i was dare i say it in such company...a  console gamer !!!

started playing wow a few months after uk release enjoyed many happy days in hoj and stayed in a few of its consequent guilds before switching hordeside, where I have enjoyed that too but like many others, ive had spells in and out of wow and am currently feeling its time for another out of wow spell as I am back to work again in 3 weeks (after 6 months off) noeeeeeeeeeesssssssssss......!!!!111!!!

i have tried coh and i like the concept (bit of a closet comics nerd), i found the game clunky and uncompareable to wow.

i tried guild wars for all of 10 seconds its pants.

I played lotro which i liked but it was mostly just a nice game it gave u no desire to keep playing and the instances were poo

played war which i quite enjoyed but the game was so buggy... and intensive on my machine for no apparent rerason that i got pisssed off with it.

and essentially i love playing mmos but feel all have failed to match up to wow which is a great shame (does anyone else think wow is vastly superior graphically, playability and even technically, or is this a myth induced by my drug addicted state to the game..)

I havent tried eve i fear it may be a step too far for the consoler inside me :P

hope to see u guys soon in a fun playable mmo!! heres hoping kotor lives up to expectations
im currently rocking street fighter 4 (how awesome that they kept it 2d and its all the same moves, just jazzed it up. Its like having the street fighter 2 arcade u always deramed of all those years ago.  Kicking ass online  xbox 360 if anyone wants a beating!

laters elv hadouken !!!

Important Information / Re: The community here is 4 years old!!
« on: June 08, 2009, 06:09:08 PM »
congrats ! hoj is a great gaming community shame you guys dont play any of the games i play anymore lol :(

maybe well meet up in the new star wars mmo any plans for a hoj there when it finally arrives?

laters elv

Join Us / Re: its me elv
« on: September 28, 2008, 09:25:54 PM »
cheers for the inv guys

nice to see some old faces and will catch up with u soon am really enjoying it so far, although its a little shaky on my system, are the requriementzs a lot more intensive than wow? as i am freezing occasionally and the sound is like im listening to it on a crackley 1930's grammarphone

laters elv

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