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Topics - peo

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EVE Online / Booster production
« on: June 24, 2009, 12:32:44 PM »
Did some preliminary calculations on making boosters for sale.
Using the celadon cytoseroscin someone is selling in fountain as a base and cost driver it would make about 300m.
This is with buying all materials, the gas for 69k/unit (the water used is negliable in cost really), 3k of gas used which in turn should unless i'm mistaken make 132 pills (standard exile) each pill sells for about 4.5 in fountain (more in empire ofc but they are illegal there ;) ) so a total sales would be 594m and approximate costs 207m (not counted costs of blueprints fully yet either).

However is going into this something the corp could be interested in?

EVE Online / Missing bpos for carriers
« on: June 20, 2009, 07:38:13 PM »
AFAIK all carriers use the same parts but the amounts vary, for the chimera the following bpos are the ones we lack (amount for each chimera (with a me2 bp) in brackets):

Capital Armor Plates [4]
Capital Capacitor Battery [6]
Capital Computer System [10]
Capital Corporate Hangar Bay [10]
Capital Jump Drive [10]
Capital Power Generator [4]
Capital Propulsion Engine [4]
Capital Sensor Cluster [10]
Capital Shield Emitter [10]
Capital Ship Maintenance Bay [10]

Of these I would prioritize things that are used for all dreads as well first when getting a bpo as it is killing two birds with one stone kind of deal.

EVE Online / Mining op
« on: June 19, 2009, 07:18:09 PM »
New try:
I'll make a mining op next week, either c1 or cha2, which system depends on belts and will be checked the same day by me.
If we can get a few people more mining it shouldn't be a problem to get enough minerals to get the second carrier in the pipe (with the associated profit).

Is anyone interested?

I'll start at 18:00 on wednesday, the system will be either c1 or cha depending on belt availability.

EVE Online / No local whines galore
« on: June 19, 2009, 05:44:53 AM »
Meh getting annoyed at the people demanding local to be removed.
Wish they could get it into their thick heads that people don't like to stare at a gate for hours on end to protect miners and that removing local would completely kill mining as a profession in 0.0.

Now they claim to want it removed since there is a program that lets macroers warp to safety if someone enters local.

But all it boils down to is:
"Buhuu the people in the belts warp off when we enter"
Morons and assholes the lot of them.

Removing local would make 0.0 completely empty of people, why rat or mine when the profit in doing lvl4's in empire in general is better? Making the miners free pray when they can't even warp off (and warping off in a hulk isn't exactly fast even when aligned since you can't be active aligned as some moron said you would have to be, wonder if he thinks strips have infinite range) when they see someone enter, afterall it does take around 20 sec from 0 to warp in a hulk and that is shorter than it takes for a ceptor to reach a belt from most gates.

Meh just venting, I hate morons haha.

EVE Online / fountain defense participation
« on: June 18, 2009, 11:02:08 AM »
There is some annoyance about the general participation in defense fleets from the leadership in EZ, I can understand that to be honest. I've been trying to show up lately, usually I'm way to late.

Anyway I floated an idea on the EZ forums about it.

Other ideas how to get participation up to get at least our sov "safe".

(and btw const, they dont require armour RR ;) )

EVE Online / How roids work
« on: June 17, 2009, 07:01:59 AM »

Good to know info about how the asteroids respawn.

EVE Online / Long term goals of the alliance
« on: June 15, 2009, 10:36:10 AM »
Was curious about the long term goals of the alliance, so made a thread about it.

Apparantly, if you are not in alliance lead (which consists of who?) you are not worthy of knowing the long term goals.
Short term I can accept without a problem, intel and such, but long term should be something you can get the alliance members on board with so needs to be discussed in the open.
OR maybe i'm just too polluted with democracy.

EVE Online / Corp mining op
« on: June 12, 2009, 07:30:46 AM »
We need to get minerals and mining to get the industry side flowing properly.

So I was thinking that we should have a mining op some evening next week, either in c1x or cha2 would be best since both allow us to haul for refine in g95 (refining with some loss is better than hauling 5 billion trips of ore to mn5).

So which evening would work best for people and what time?

I'll mine with linnea and haul with hrod to g95 (or mine with both depends on how many join etc)

EVE Online / Tower refuelings
« on: May 30, 2009, 05:58:18 AM »
A few points to make refueling towers a bit easier :)
When you refuel a tower send a corp mail and include when they need to be refueled again.
Also try to refuel in "even" numbers, for example unless there is a silly surplus of something at a tower (which should be noted in the mail as well) refuel one entire week of everything.

EVE Online / Arcane losing sov
« on: May 25, 2009, 01:56:23 PM »
Anyone know whats up with arcane?
Seems they are losing all sov all over the place.

EVE Online / Me a spy??
« on: May 09, 2009, 07:53:03 AM »
Hrodgar is a spy.

Check the PL forums (more specifically Mazzilliu's sig).

Wonder if I need to do something.

I discovered that the chromium moon nextdoor to our pos in z30 is free.
We really really really should get a pos on that place. The reaction alone would pay for the running costs of most of our 0.0 infrastructure.
However we need either an ok to buy the only small tower available in fountain or get a small tower transported to fountain quickly.

EVE Online / UFA surrenders
« on: May 02, 2009, 04:19:07 PM »

Rather interesting as we were thinking about joining them haha :)

EVE Online / Where is everyone??
« on: April 29, 2009, 06:59:37 AM »
Sorry to ask but activity has plummeted the last couple of weeks.
So have people grown tired or what is going on??

EVE Online / Sirrus
« on: April 27, 2009, 04:10:42 PM »
Seems sirrus is disbanding.
Could be an idea to keep an eye out for what could be neutral towers or people based around where we are since they seemed keen on that area and also of recruiting from them to EZ to make our defense stronger.

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