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Eve: Sha'k introduction


Apparently it would be "cool" if I introduced myself, so here goes...

RL Name
Would you believe me if I said Shark? No? I thought not, but it is close

Characters & Classes:
Urmm... well I'm Sha'k in Eve, don't really have classes in that, but I'm going to go for Crazy Overpowered Mission Runner (at least for the moment)

26½ (almost exactly hence the ½)

A little village half way between Manchester and Liverpool in England

GMT or similar, depending on time of year

Gaming Style:
Lots and Lazy

About you:
I urmm play on the computer and sometimes work in a bar to earn enough cash to keep going. 

Questions for us?
None really other than How much wood would a Woodchuck chuck if a Woodchuck could chuck wood?

Another notherner!!

Thanks for this ost, always good to know about people I reckon :)


--- Quote ---always good to know about people I reckon
--- End quote ---
see!? it is COOL!  :-X



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