Author Topic: Abbreviations & Terminology  (Read 7758 times)

Offline Mangala

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Abbreviations & Terminology
« on: November 27, 2008, 06:06:33 PM »
I know we are going to need this thread (and stickied) what with a whole bunch of new terminology for people to learn!

I'll start:

Ship Modules:

LSE - Large Shield Extender
MSE - Medium Shield Extender
AB - Afterburner
MWD - Micro Warp Drive
BCU/BCS - Ballistic Control Unit/Ballistic Control System

Ship Types:

AF - Assault Frigate
HAC - Heavy Assault Ship
BS - Battleship
« Last Edit: November 27, 2008, 08:04:19 PM by Beosvir »
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Offline Jarkko

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Re: Abbreviations & Terminology
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2008, 08:35:13 AM »
From various sites:

'phoon - Typhoon Battleship
\o - Symbolizes an arm and a head--a person waving, often Hello.
0.0 - Systems in space categorized as safety rating 0.0 are systems that have no Concord intervention, no sentry guns, and no security status loss for aggressive action--it's basically a free-for-all system.
Alpha Strike - The first strike of a fight, the chance to do damage before real fighting begins. Alpha-strike often refers to the damage done by a hit-and-run attack, or the first volley by a ship with heavy damage but a low rate of fire
AP - Autopilot
Apoc - Apocalypse Battleship
Ark - Arkanor Ore
AURORA - Auxiliary Union for Relay, Observation, Recording, & Analysis (Events), part of ISD
BB - Blackbird Cruiser (also sometimes refers to Battleship)
BC - Battlecruiser
BCU - Ballistic Control Unit
Bist - Bistot Ore
Blob - A large group of players in a fleet, possibly using sheer numbers to overpower the opponent
BM - Bookmark
BP - Blueprint
BPC - Blueprint Copy
BPO - Blue Print Original
BYOB - Bring your own Blueprint
BYOM - Bring your own minerals
CAOD - Corporation Alliance and Organization Discussions, part of the EvE Online forums
CCP - Crowd Control Productions
CNR - Caldari Navy Raven
CovOps - Covert Ops--a ship type that uses a Covert Ops cloaking device to move unseen
CPR - Cap Power Relay
CRC - Communications Relay Commission (Forum Moderators), part of ISD
CSM - Council for Stellar Management
Dessi-group - A group of destroyers
Dictor - Interdictor, a tough t2 destroyer meant to place warp disruption bubbles in 0.0 space to stop enemy fleets from warping away
Dom - Dominix Battleship
Domi - Dominix Battleship
ECAID - Equipment Certification and Anomaly Investigations Division (Bug Hunters), part of ISD
ECCM - Electronic Counter Counter Measures
ECM - Electronic Counter Measures
Eff - Efficiency
EW - Electronic Warfare
Frig - Frigate
GTC - Game Time Card
HAC - Heavily Armored Cruiser
Harv - Harvester Mining Drone
HC - Help Channel
Hed - Hedbergite Ore
Hem - Hemorphite Ore
Hemo - Hemorphite Ore
IC - In Character, Interstellar Correspondent
IGB - InGame Browser
Imi - Imicus Frigate
Indy - Usually refers to Industrial ships
Inties/Inty - An Interceptor
ISD - Interstellar Services Department
ISK - Interstellar Kredits
Jita - A major trading hub of Eve, often filled with hundreds of players, and well-known for lag
Kern - Kernite Ore
M1, M2, ... Miner1, Miner2, ... - Mining Lasers
MacroMiner - A character whose player uses a sophisticated program to make the character mine automatically. MacroMiners are against the terms of service of Eve
MAPC - Micro Auxilliary Power Control (or Core)
ME - Mineral Efficiency
Mega - Megathron Battleship, Megacyte mineral
Mex - Mexallon Mineral
MWD - Micro Warp Drive
NBSI - Not Blue, Shoot It--used by most corporations and alliances who operate in low-security space, especially 0.0, who kill intruders. The "Blue" refers to the blue tag that those with high standings have on one's overview
Nocx / Nox - Nocxium Mineral
Nos - Nosferatu. A type of energy-draining device that transfers drained energy to the ship that uses it
NRDSI - Not Red, Don't Shoot It-- A corporate policy of "don't shoot unless the intruder is flashing red, i.e. a pirate"
ODI - Overdrive Injector
One-Volley - To destroy an enemy ship with only one set of weapons fire--for example, a Caldari's first set of missiles blowing up a frigate
P&P - People & Places
PDS - Power Diagnostic System
PDU - Power Diagnostic Unit
PE - Production Efficiency
Plag - Plagioclase Ore
Podded - To be podded means to have one's lifepod destroyed
Popped - To be popped means to have one's ship destroyed
PoS - Pod On Sight
POS - A Player-Owned Structure (or Station); a station or structure in space deployed by players rather than by the game's developers
Prod - Production
Pye - Pyerite Mineral
Pyro - Pyroxeres Ore
Rat - NPC Pirate
Rax - Thorax Cruiser
RCU - Reactor Control Unit
RE - Refining Efficiency
Ref - Refining
Ref Eff - Refining Efficiency
RmR - A former version of Eve, Red Moon Rising
RoF - Rate of Fire
Scord - Scordite Ore
Scorp - Scorpion Battleship
Scram - Scrambled, i.e. warp-scrambled. If you are warp-scrambled, someone is using a Warp Scrambler module to prevent you from warping away.
SPR - Shield Power Relay
STAR - Support Team and Resources (Player Support), part of ISD
T-rax - Thorax Cruiser
T2 - Tech Level 2
TQ - Tranquility Server
Trit - Tritanium Mineral
Tackler - Someone who is first on the scene of a fight and uses scramblers and webifiers to "lock down" an enemy combatant, making it easier for the tackler's allies to kill.
uBPC - Unlimited Blueprint Copy
Veld - Veldspar Ore
wardec - Declaration of War between corporations
Zyd - Zydrine Mineral
« Last Edit: November 28, 2008, 06:24:58 PM by Jarkko »

Offline Warcold

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Re: Abbreviations & Terminology
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2008, 11:45:53 AM »
things i'm missing

|o| - tie fighter
o.0 - something surprising in 0.0 (see above) space
FUBAR - needs no explanation
'Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime, and every kindness, we birth our future.'

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The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.'

Offline Jeremiah

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Re: Abbreviations & Terminology
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2008, 04:49:21 PM »
One of the best things about Eve is when you get into the whole culture of the place.  Because it works on a single massive server EVE culture forms a unified whole - be famous in Eve and the whole player base knows who you are, memes created in eve spread to the whole game not just a single server. The forums also form part of this.  So a few cultural references to people and other things:

Goon - member of Goonswarm Alliance who specialise in scams and other hijinks such as launching a:
threadnaught - large forum post aimed at securing a change in game or a bit of meta-gaming most notable recent threadnaught launched by:
Chribba top notch Eve player and nice guy who runs eve-files and owns one of the few dreadnaughts still allowed in empire space ("the veldnaught") to whom:
o7 - salute.

can-flipping - dropping ore into a miners can with hilarious results :)
ore-stealing - just plain nicking the stuff out of a can.  Never ever ever fire on an ore thief out of anger or frustration; the lost ore is nothing compared to the lost ship that absolutely will occur no matter what you may think (unless you have a plan of course).

local - the local chat window which lists who is in system.  Your constant viewing when in 0.0 space
smacktalk, smack in local : general provocation and attempts to wind-up in local window.  Often forbidden by the pro-pvp corps (unless part of a plan)
gf - short for "good fight" used in local after a fight

ragequit - quiting out of the sheer injustice of it all after you've allowed yourself to get angry at an ebil piwate, if you do this in local it may be followed by a "cry me more" cos its what goons really love, you may also ask for their stuff which is traditional in most MMOs.  I did a ragequit once after my first ore theft by a guy called HuLiGaNkA - Russian-born Israeli guy presently serving as a medic in Israeli army and a very skilled player, if Huli ever offers you a ransom take it you will not win against this guy. The twists and turns of fate led me to being Huli's 2IC in the industrial / logistics wing of Armada running mining ops, which was interesting.

BoB - aka. Band of Brothers : Big 0.0 alliance with ultimate aim of controlling all of 0.0 space.
Goonswarm Allance : alliance formed by members of the forums ("goonies","goons"), membership of those forums guarantees membership of GA if you want it, but there is no other way to get in no matter what they might tell you.  Offering to fly your carrier out to their space is a favourite scam of theirs, though how anyone gets into a carrier and still hasn't heard that one I don't know.
IAC - aka. International Alcohol Conglomorate : seem to me a bunch of American frat boys, in order to join you have to swear an oath of some sort (thanks but no thanks)
RA - aka Red Army : Russian-speaking alliance with a reputation for heavy piracy.

fly safe - traditional farewell

« Last Edit: December 06, 2008, 10:54:17 AM by Jeremiah »

Offline Warcold

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Re: Abbreviations & Terminology
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2008, 04:51:26 PM »
can-flipping - dropping ore into a miners can with hilarious results

Ok seems i totally missed something   :-\

'Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime, and every kindness, we birth our future.'

'We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.
The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.'

Offline Jeremiah

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Re: Abbreviations & Terminology
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2008, 01:38:55 PM »
can-flipping - dropping ore into a miners can with hilarious results

Ok seems i totally missed something   :-\


It's still his ore - you take it, turn red to him, he blows you up as the low down dirty ore thief you are (hilarious no?)
« Last Edit: December 08, 2008, 01:57:54 PM by Jeremiah »

Offline Warcold

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Re: Abbreviations & Terminology
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2008, 11:28:05 AM »
good read to learn about some scams they use!
'Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime, and every kindness, we birth our future.'

'We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.
The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.'

Offline Sinedia

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Re: Abbreviations & Terminology
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2009, 10:58:45 AM »