Author Topic: Fountain Player Info Pack  (Read 16878 times)

Offline Rubino

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Fountain Player Info Pack
« on: March 02, 2009, 01:09:29 AM »
This is a work in progress document.

Fountain PL Information Channel: sniggs bathhouse
Fountain Gang Channel Name: Fountain-Defence

Alliance Channels:
MD Fleet Scouts (pass: isee)
EZ Combat Intel

Everybody should be in Vent at all times when in Fountain.  It'll help you and your corp mates a lot - and provide some social interaction when mining, ratting & missioning :)
You'll get advance warning of any hostiles in and around the region.  It doesn't matter if you don't like talking - just being there is good.

It's really important you join this channel before moving down - you'll see what's happening and where any hostiles are.

All standings are accurate at this time and I have confirmation that we have docking rights to the G95, the U-S & the PNQY station.
You'll be able to setup a clone in G95 or at a station in YZ-.

Restricted constellations:

The listed constellations are off limits to unauthorized renters. You can't rat/mine/run exploration sites in these constellation. However you can run esculation sites, NPC missions and pass through them.

POS & Office:
The corp POS is up in Z30S-A and we have an Office nearby (2 jumps) in MN5N-X.
We have a small mining POS up in C1XD-X that has a Corp Hanger for ore, Ship Maint Array (for storing your boats) mining supplies and some cans inside the shields for general corp usage.  We can currently cyno between Z3 and C1XD - so if you need something moved it's not too much of an issue (and it'll be easier once we have Sov 2 in Z30 and the cyno generator up).  In C1XD the POS is at Planet 6, Moon 6.  It's also 1 jump from the PNQ station.

General Logistics:
Caldari Space Pickup Point: Kubenin
Fountain Drop off point: POS or Office.

Red will Carrier jump the items down to Fountain.  In the near future we'll probably get a Jump Freighter to ease logistics.
If possible train up the Cyno skill to help facilitate cap jumps.

Empire <-> 0.0 Supplies:
When the move is finished Red will be making jumps between Empire <-> 0.0 at least once every week - this will generally occur on the same day each week (but I'm not sure which day yet).

Empire -> 0.0
While the corp will be providing Ships, Modules and Ammo in 0.0 - there are often fittings/ammo/ships that we use/want that aren't covered by the programme.
With the size of the corp it's better if requests for these things go through the appropriate Staff member.  This allows them to put things together and maintain a shopping list that Empire Alts & Red can work with without going insane - while allowing them some time to enjoy the game without working only on logistics all the time. 

With this in mind:
1) PM the appropriate staff member via these forums with what you need - being as specific as possible to help prevent confusion.  Provide alternatives if the item can't be found.
2) The requested items will be purchased in empire at the best price/distance (it may not be the cheapest price but it generally won't be the most expensive).
3) The item will then be on the next jump between Empire and Fountain.
4) The item will then be contracted up for you at the Office.

0.0 -> Empire
With luck you'll stumble accross some nice valuable loot in 0.0 and will want to get the best price in Empire for the item.  The corp will happy shift the item(s) to Empire via the Carrier, proxy the sale for you and pay out the proceeds.  This makes it much safer to transport items - but this service however, to help cover fuel & running costs (it takes 36k Nitrogen Isotops to round-trip jump between Kubinen & MN5N-X & 3k Liquid Ozone), the corp will take 20% of the sale value.

General Preparation:
Setup a JC near to Anttiri to allow quick & simple return for missions/shopping.
Packup what you'd like moved - where possible putting things into a container to keep the space down.
Packaged and unpackaged ships can be carried via the carrier to Fountain. Note: The Ship Bay on the carrier allows a BS or 2 to be shipped.
On arriving to the Office station - move your standard clone here so you'll return should the heat melt your POD :)
There are medical facilites within 1 jump of the Office.

POS Mechanics:
Don't eject from your ships next to the Corp Hanger or Ship Maint Array at the POS.  It can stop people from using them.
Avoid AFK'ing nearby - approach the tower or one of the hardeners if you want to be within the POS shields but not active.

You'll need to name your ships with something distinctive which will help should you store it either in the Ship Maint Array or left around the POS.
Ships should only be left at the POS around the Hardeners or directly above/below the tower itself.  I will scoop and randomly drop ships somewhere in eve with the carrier should this happen more than once.
Unless a ship is marked as corp - do not take ships that don't belong to you - and while I don't think it will be a problem - it's best said upfront.  There will be spares at the POS and at the station - and there will also be utility ships setup for their purpose (ie cyno ships).  Utility ships should only be used for their purpose.  Fuel for those that need them will be in the Corp Hanger at the POS.

Both the Corp Hanger and Ship Maint Array at the POS should allow you access to view/take/deposit items.  If you have a problem access using it - contact a Staff Member and they'll help you out.
It's a good idea to have ships at both the Office and the POS - so you always have options should the area get hot.

Logistics Ships:
If you can fly one of these ships - please PM(forums) or chat with Warcold/Safran Foer and let him know your Racial Ship Pref and fittings.  The fitting should focus on remote Shield/Armor & hull repair (all 3 if possible but primarily Shield & Armor).  He will coordinate and arrange for a fitted ship for you (the corp will cover the expense).  This should be parked at the POS around the hardeners (rather than in the Ship Maint Array) to enable it to be used should the POS come under attack.  You are strongly encouraged to obtain the skills needed for these ships and the corp will help fund the Logistics Skillbook.  While we hope it won't be needed - it's better to be prepared.

Here's a decent guide to ratting that has some relavent sections on 0.0 ratting and something called "chaining".

In Fountain it's NBSI - Not Blue Shoot It.  Best done to them before they do it to you.
Make sure you have Safe Spots in and around the main systems and create some insta undock BM's for the stations.  It'll save you when you need it.
There are plenty of hostiles around - so you're never far from some action if you want to indulge :)

Always keep one eye on local and one on the intel channel - whatever you're doing.  Likewise if you spot somebody that isn't blue - report it in the Intel channel "sniggs bathhouse".
It's very useful to have 2 chat windows open - one for local - and the other for corp/intel.  You'll then be able to drag a person from the userlist in local - to the intel channel and link their details.

You should always refer to the Intel channel before moving about in Fountain - so you'll know if there are any hostiles about and where they are.  The F11 overview maps are a handy helper also when looking up systems.

When reporting Intel try to follow the format:
<dragged char> in <location> - <ship type>

<location> should be as specific as possible.  If you don't know where they are - then the system name (or first 3 letters) is ok.  If you see them on the gate or station - then include those details - ie "Z3O at YZ- gate".
<ship type> should be ufo if you don't know what they're flying or the class/type they are flying - ie: "hac" or "vaga".

A more complete example is:
"Admiral Iceblock in MN5 at YZ- gate - vaga"

If local start climbing quickly with hostiles (anything that isn't blue is hostile) - then (1) get yourself safe, (2) gather some quick intel and report, (3) try to narrow down some ship types and direction.
The actual report to the intel channel would be something like:
"20+ hostiles in Z3O - Puppet & exBob"

If it changes significantly - ie it's 30 now - then update your report to the intel channel.

Part of the deal for getting permission to mine in 4HS is paying SOT 10% on what's mined there.  If you're hauling the mins yourself - please keep this in mind and drop 10% of the minerals into the Corp Office in the Stuff section of the MN5 Office hanger.
Red will be jumping Ore between 4HS and the office frequently and if all goes to plan I'll be able to compress in about 6d which will make logistics easier.

We need to come up with a mechanism of tracking who mines what and drops it at the POS for the corp to haul/process and payout.
I don't have anything decent at the moment to track this - so I suggest you send a corp mail with the following structure for now:

Subject: <Time Segment>:<DD/MM/YYYY>
Body: Ore mined

An example:
Subject: AM:09/04/2008
500 Crokite
3m Veldspare

Which, while not ideal, is something to start with.  I need to check if I have some hosting that supports Symfony - but I can knock up a web application for tracking in a day or so.

Generally in 0.0 the approach to mining is:
1) Warp in Tank to a Belt & tank the NPC's there.  If none present - wait until you have a complete spawn to tank
2) Warp in barges & mine.  Barges should be passive aligned to the safe (passive align is when you align and get to speed, and then drop speed to 0 which will allow warping out quickly)
3) Warp out barges when op complete
4) Kill rats and warp out the Tank

This allows the weaker barges to mine in safety without getting agro from the NPC's.
Should anybody not blue appear in system - the barges should warp to the safe immediately - the tank should follow quickly.

You have more flexibility if you're in a Hulk as you're able, with the right skills and modules, to tank the NPC's.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 11:04:04 AM by Rubino »

Wii Console: 8123-9969-5753-1865

Offline Caradir

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Re: Fountain Player Info Pack
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2009, 10:24:57 PM »
let me know when its safe to scout and ill move on down with my cov ops and maybe scan a moon or 2
"Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money." Josiah Stamp (Governor Bank of England 1928-41)

Offline Rubino

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Re: Fountain Player Info Pack
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2009, 11:27:18 PM »
Cool - thanks.
So far about 1/3rd confirmations of standings.

Wii Console: 8123-9969-5753-1865

Offline Jarkko

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Re: Fountain Player Info Pack
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2009, 07:23:02 AM »
What sort of container should I buy? I get totally confused looking at all the options for containers, and as far as I can see, not all can be moved?

Offline peo

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Re: Fountain Player Info Pack
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2009, 08:14:34 AM »
What sort of container should I buy? I get totally confused looking at all the options for containers, and as far as I can see, not all can be moved?

I think the giant secure one is what rubino is refering to (3000m3 capacity requirement and holds 3900m3)

Offline Rubino

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Re: Fountain Player Info Pack
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2009, 11:24:14 AM »
Aye - any of the Giant Secure range (or smaller) of containters - the size depends on how much kit you wanna move and the volume it takes up.  If there's any space space in the container I may stuff modules/ammo from the corp hanger into it.  The name on the container should include your name - to make it easier to identify (you'll need the container in your personal hanger to set the name) - ie I might name a container "Red Essential 01" or "Red other 02".  Ships likewise should also contain your name and if the ship is rigged - ie "Red Eagle Rig" (non-rigged ships might be repackaged depending on space).  Ammo/modules that's not T2 or faction/named/essential should be dumped into the corp hanger - to make it easier to manage.  There will be a few runs - so don't worry everything you have/need should end up in Fountain.

For those that don't know about carriers - they have 3 types of storage on them:
Ship Hanger - this can only have assembled ships and the cargo of any ship can only contain ammo
Corp Hangers - this works like the corp hanger at a station and can hold anything
Cargo - this works like normal cargo and can hold anything but will mostly contain jump fuel for the carrier

Based on the current rate of responses regarding standings - I'm looking to have the survey team go down Wed or Thursday to poke around down there.
Depending on what they find - the tower will be setup shortly after a suitable place is found.  If there's enough cargo space I'll be starting to ship things down also.

Wii Console: 8123-9969-5753-1865

Offline Pashur

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Re: Fountain Player Info Pack
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2009, 08:33:05 AM »
This all sounds really cool. I foresee big changes but since I never set foot in low sec I don't see all implications.
If I look on the influence map I see Fountain being controlled by a few corps. What have we done / need to do/ to not piss them off?
How will life for a small corp be in Fountain? What activities/threats/benefits will we see?

* Edit: Found the thread explaining some of my questions :) It was a sticky so no wonder it was hard to find.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2009, 09:12:40 AM by Pashur »

Offline peo

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Re: Fountain Player Info Pack
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2009, 10:13:14 AM »
So how many confirmations are we waiting for??
As a sidenote, does our fee run from payment or from having been set blue by all?
I know not a major fee in either case but a somewhat interesting sidepoint.

Offline Mangala

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Re: Fountain Player Info Pack
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2009, 10:21:00 AM »
Several still to set blue (we set once they set) - I lost count at 15 :S

The list of people we have to set blue is bloody huge, but alot of them have done so already :)
"May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk."

Offline peo

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Re: Fountain Player Info Pack
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2009, 10:35:23 AM »
Several still to set blue (we set once they set) - I lost count at 15 :S

The list of people we have to set blue is bloody huge, but alot of them have done so already :)

ok... so will be a week or so more then?

Offline peo

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Re: Fountain Player Info Pack
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2009, 06:04:35 PM »
Another question, the ships in a ship hangar on a carrier they are unmanned right? I mean you don't dock up and then the carrier flies where it wants to and you can undock??

Offline Mangala

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Re: Fountain Player Info Pack
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2009, 09:39:58 PM »
Another question, the ships in a ship hangar on a carrier they are unmanned right? I mean you don't dock up and then the carrier flies where it wants to and you can undock??

Umanned yes - sucks totally, as it would be cool :)
"May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk."

Offline Caradir

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Re: Fountain Player Info Pack
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2009, 09:42:49 PM »
yeah would be awesome to have them manned carrier jumps then disembark and kick ass :) carriers would be more expensive then i guess as would make them even more useful :D
"Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money." Josiah Stamp (Governor Bank of England 1928-41)

Offline Rubino

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Re: Fountain Player Info Pack
« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2009, 11:38:22 AM »
Ok Guys.  Finally cleared off some projects.  Just a couple of conf calls today but I've a week or so free now until I start looking/bidding on other projects.

I'm in the Pandemic Legion intel channel ("Sniggs Bathhouse") and this morning all were seeing us a Blue (meaning friendly).   Join the channel and you'll get intel about any non-blues (hotiles) in and around the region.

Went down most of the pipe this morning just before DT to the G95 station to see what it was like and what travellers are likely to encounter.
Most of the pipe was empty (not surprising considering the time of day) but there was a sucking bubble camp (ancorable warp bubbles positioned to suck you away from the gate and land you 40-50km away) at F7C- manned by 2 in system (interceptor & Force recon).  All the gates were bubbled with sucking bubbles- so if your travelling alone (which I hope won't happen to start with) then if you jump in and see a bubble away from the gate:
1) Don't panic :)
2) Look around to see who's nearby.  Look at local to see if they're blue
3) Pick a celestial (Planet or Sun) and warp at range - make a mid warp "intra" BM
4) Pick another celestial (Planet or Sun) as far away as possible, warp and make another intra.  Then start cycling between them.
5) Sucking bubbles tend to work along an axis between the gates.  So you want to find a celestial (planet or the sun) that isn't in part of that axis.  When you've found it - warp to it - and then warp to the target gate.  If you've chosen well then you'll be able to warp to the gate and be close when you drop out of warp. 

Generally when running the pipe you should be ship fit for travel - meaning you have modules in your lows for speed/agility (overdrives, nanos) & anti-warp distrupt (warp stabs), in your mids an MWD/AB & cap repchargers (for those long warps) and if you think it's needed - a cloak in your highs.  Smaller & agile ships are reccomended.

At XF-TQL there was a friendly gate-camp by Razor - after which it's plain sailing into G95.

Docking & clone rights are working at the G95 station.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2009, 11:45:31 AM by Rubino »

Wii Console: 8123-9969-5753-1865

Offline peo

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Re: Fountain Player Info Pack
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2009, 11:45:00 AM »
So apart from the carrier moving stuff will we pick a day to move the toons themselves?? So we can move as a group I mean.