Author Topic: Dead Island - sandbox zombie horror  (Read 12011 times)

Offline Mangala

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Dead Island - sandbox zombie horror
« on: February 17, 2011, 09:27:47 AM »

It’s been quite a while since a trailer made me say, “Wow.” And indeed since one made me gasp, “Oh my God.” This CGI teaser for Dead Island – a zombie game originally announced in 2007 – is both stunning and horrendous. Bleak like your puppy dying of tiredness is bleak. The game itself sounds absolutely fascinating. An open-ended sandbox zombie survival game, first-person but with an emphasis on melee combat, where you must try to survive for as long as possible on an infested New Guinea island. We have little more to go on, other than the knowledge that Deep Silver are publishing, and that the people behind it are capable of a trailer as brilliantly morose as the one below.

There’s also word of it containing those infamous “RPG elements”, and oddly for a supposedly open-ended sandbox game, a focus on story. The melee is said to let you pick up almost any object you find, Dead Rising-style. And according to IGN who bring us all this info and lots more, because it’s set on a tourist tropical island, the place isn’t littered with high grade weaponry and ammo caches. Instead it’s about foraging and improvising with what you can find.

There’s to be drop-in four-player co-op should you wish to work together, or it works perfectly well in single player mode for lone survivors. And according to IGN, it’s “disgusting”. They’ve got a ton of screenshots and artwork over there.

It’s set for a 2011 release, but nothing more specific than that. Hopefully we’ll be seeing something from inside the game soon enough. As a concept, it sounds fascinating – just hardcore surviving, improvising, scrabbling to keep going. It’s what zombies were made for.


Trailer backwards:
"May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk."

Offline Mangala

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Re: Dead Island - sandbox zombie horror
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2011, 09:30:28 AM »
PS, best trailer for anything ever.
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Re: Dead Island - sandbox zombie horror
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2011, 11:53:50 AM »

Offline Goatboy

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Re: Dead Island - sandbox zombie horror
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2011, 07:21:11 PM »
Daikini of the House Goat, the First of His Name, The Unmilked, Queen of the Meadow, The Chickens and the Pigs, Queen of the Field, Nibbler of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Wub, Lady Regent of the Seven Barns, Breaker of Fences and Mother of Ducklings.

Offline Warcold

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Re: Dead Island - sandbox zombie horror
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2011, 08:35:19 PM »
that's pretty awesome...
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"May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk."

Offline Mangala

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Re: Dead Island - sandbox zombie horror
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2011, 05:02:49 PM »
There are a lot of things you expect to find down a dirt track in Poland. Bears, a vodka factory, an actual zombie. But not the home of the most exciting undead happening since Danny Boyle made them run in 28 Days Later. Techland, best known for cowboy series Call of Juarez, have taken the best bits of zombie killing and mashed them all together into one open world adventure. Oh, and you’ll want to pack the factor 50, because it all takes place on the sunny island of Banoi in Papua New Guinea.
The Ram goes on the rampage.
You’ve seen the trailer, the little girl, the biting, the falling out of a really high window in backwards slow motion. This is all about being a bemused holidaymaker suddenly caught in the middle of the zombie apocalypse and scrambling to survive. One minute it’s Bermuda shorts and cocktails with umbrellas in, the next it’s bashing in the head of a walking corpse with a plank. You get to play as one of four characters, each with their own special skill set and weaknesses, such as speed or strength or ability with sharp things. I mainly got to see Sam B in action, an ex-hip hop star with a gnarly top hat and a passion for melee weapons. The other characters include Mohican-sporting Logan, an air hostess with quick moves and a glamazon bodyguard. Each is somehow immune to the infection, although, obviously, not immune to being eaten alive. Whichever you choose, there’s an RPG-lite system for levelling up that should enable you to tailor your character to your own violent needs.

Four main characters? Obviously that means four player, drop in, drop out co-op for Left 4 Dead-style japes among the bloody surfboards. Not that this was always the plan; the game was originally conceived years ago, before co-op was fashionable, leaving the team to integrate the idea at a later stage.

“It’s a deadly combination,” says Techland’s Blazej Krakowiak “because first we’ve done an open game, which in itself is a huge challenge to balance and predict, and then you’re screwed because you have four live players trying to mess things up.”

The fashion police slayed anyone in Bermuda shorts.
It’s certainly tricky. Compared to something like Left 4 Dead’s enclosed warehouses and fenced-in farms, the island of Banoi is massive, replete with story missions and side quests but Borderlands has shown this can work. I saw some very early missions, including going to search for a lifeguard and protecting someone from a zombie attack, but later objectives will help you discover what’s happened on the island, and open up new areas. Outside the hotel resort you start in, there’s jungle and even a town to explore, where you’ll have to face not just zombie enemies, but human ones too, such as looters or a gang who’ve taken up residence in the police station. Techland say they’re concentrating on the moments just after the outbreak, so people are still expecting the military to come and fix everything, there’s still some semblance of law and order and, importantly, money still has value. Expect the chance to buy new weapons or equipment as you explore.

Given that this is a holiday island rather than a war zone, finding weaponry is going to be a problem. It’s not as if there are racks of AK47s lined up next to the souvenir postcards and delightful shell collectibles. You might find the odd gun lying around, but even then, ammo is equally scarce, so you’ll need to get a little Blue Peter on what’s available to maximise the smash and smoosh. Planks, boats oars, baseball bats and machetes are all useful in their own right, but they degrade, and to really do damage you’ll want to take them to a workbench and add your own special features. It’s not just about duct-taping a chainsaw to a surfboard, but more like the World of Warcraft enchanting system, as with applying an electrical charge to hammers or blades.

I saw the shock machete in action – it can remove limbs and provides an entertaining light show. Krakowiak adds: “Some of them are more basic, like nails; others are more complex like the shock weapon, and there’s everything in-between. So it’s not about Dead Rising, putting some wacky things together and trying dozens of combinations. It’s about making the weapons more effective.”

The team certainly seems sensitive to comparisons with Capcom’s comedy zombie caper. “It’s like comparing Dead Rising to Left 4 Dead. It doesn’t make much sense and we are a different game altogether,” Krakowiak argues. “Dead Island is more about the characters you play and the story, and how it unfolds. Dead Rising, for me, is a toy box.”

Think tattoos make you tough? Think again.
There certainly seems to be a more serious mood to the whole thing and not just because of all the gore. “We’re trying to do something mature – it’s not about funny Dead Rising stuff. It’s not like there’s a crazy doctor with crazy experiments,” adds Adrian Ciszewski, a producer so committed he broke his leg showing an actor how to do a proper zombie fall during motion capture.

One of the major differences is the innovation that’s gone into the enemy design. Your basic cannon fodder zombie is a pretty standard walking corpse. The only difference is that they’re zombies dressed in bikinis and speedos, which just looks… wrong. They level up as you do and appear in small groups rather than unmanageable hordes. Sometimes they’ll even come in handy, like when you’re facing human opponents and you need a big fleshy distraction to allow you to slip past.

These basic zombies look disturbing, but they’re nothing compared to some of the trickier, and massively ickier, shufflers you’ll face later on. There’s The Ram, wrapped in a straightjacket with a Hannibal Lecter style mask. He’s an unstoppable tank who’ll charge you like a furious rhino, and the only way to take him down is to hit the weak point on his back. There’s the Drowner, a zombie who’s spent too long in the pool, and is swollen with water, with skin stretched so tight you can see his organs beneath.

Clean freaks will want to stay away from The Suicider, riddled with pulsating, infected boils, begging you to help him. Get too close and it’ll get real messy real quick, because he’ll explode in a shower of pus. The most nightmarish of the lot is The Butcher, who sports redneck dungarees, a deformed face and exposed forearm bones he uses to stab and slice at his prey. To be fair, you’d probably be in a murderous rage too; those arm stumps must make enjoying a tube of Pringles really tricky.

It's so pretty. Let's move to Dead Island for good.
Talking to the team, it’s no surprise that the zombie designs are so spot on. They list everything from Romero to Walking Dead to 28 Days Later as massive influences and have strong ideas about why zombie slaying is such an enduring joy to your average gamer.

“Zombies on one hand are relateable. They’re partially human, not like aliens or killer plants,” says Krakowiak. “I won’t get into how they represent the mundane lives of office workers or something. That’s a topic for a conversation after a huge amount of alcohol. In general they are human enemies, but on the other hand you can kill them without any remorse whatsoever.” Sadly, Techland did have to turn down a fan suggestion about a giant killer octopus that players could use to trap and eat zombies. Something for the DLC perhaps?

Until we’ve seen the real mechanics of the game – the four player co-op especially – it’s hard to know if Dead Island can live up to the promise. What I do know is that what I’ve seen is exciting and packed with grisly promise, which isn’t bad for a game originally revealed in 2007, and forgotten about since. Whatever else it’s going to need to succeed, there’s zombie-loving passion aplenty. “We’re not trying to recreate a certain kind of movie genre like voodoo zombies” says Krakowiak. “We are following our own way, but of course remembering the zombie legacy that’s out there and that we love.”
"May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk."

Offline Warcold

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Re: Dead Island - sandbox zombie horror
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2011, 06:09:52 PM »
L4D3, cool!
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Offline Caradir

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Re: Dead Island - sandbox zombie horror
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2011, 11:53:39 AM »
Deep Silver, publishers of the upcoming zombie-fest Dead Island, have announced some Steam related goodies for the game when it releases on September 6th. The first of which is the “Ripper”, a baseball bat with a buzz saw at the end, which will be available on the day the game launches. Then, there is the Bloodbath Arena DLC which lands on the island a month after release.

The Bloodbath Arena boasts four Arena maps that can be played in either single-player or co-op and also comes with the Sonic Pulse Grenade. As a side note, the Bloodbath Arena DLC pack will be available for those who miss the promo for $10 when it releases.

Not to be overlooked, however, is maybe the best pre-order bonus of all: the Pre-Purchase Dead Island – Four Pack. This sweet special nets you four copies of the tropical killing simulator for just $149.97. That’s just $37.50 per game! That’s a pretty good deal for a new title, but with a new franchise like this will you pony up for the game ahead of time?

If you will, then grab three of your friends, a bat, a saw, and some Mai Tai’s and get ready for some Dead Island!
"Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money." Josiah Stamp (Governor Bank of England 1928-41)

Offline Mangala

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Re: Dead Island - sandbox zombie horror
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2011, 04:58:45 PM »
mmmm 4 pack...  tempting.
"May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk."

Offline Caradir

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Re: Dead Island - sandbox zombie horror
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2011, 11:05:33 AM »
"Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money." Josiah Stamp (Governor Bank of England 1928-41)

Offline Bethor

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Re: Dead Island - sandbox zombie horror
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2011, 11:26:31 AM »
best part imo is that you can play coop
LORD HELMET:  I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's
former roommate.

LONE STARR:  What's that make us?

LORD HELMET:  Absolutely nothing. Which is what you are
about to become. Prepare to die.

Offline Warcold

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'Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime, and every kindness, we birth our future.'

'We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.
The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.'

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Re: Dead Island - sandbox zombie horror
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2011, 07:38:01 AM »
most zombie survival tips are given in zombie land though.

just to be on the saveside, here are the rules as posted on :

The 32 Rules of Zombieland
Posted By : Meh, Sunday Oct,04

Rule 1: Cardio: This one comes up in Zombieland and clearly makes alot of sense. How many fat people do you see at the end of the world when its zombies doing the ending?

Rule 2: Beware of Bathrooms: Really not just bathrooms any good apocalyptic zombie survivor should know better then going into a bathroom, small closet or any other small room with only one way in or out. Only thing stupider to go into then a bathroom is a movie theater. Lots of places to run around before you get eaten.

Rule 3: Seatbelts: Its a safe bet unless your a complete dumb dumb ( see rule #7 ) your not going to be hoofing it on foot in the event of a zombie outbreak. So when travelling on four wheels wear your seat belt. Nothing worse then finding yourself ejected out of your car into the loving and oh so hungry arms of zombies.

Rule 4: Doubletap: Carrying a gun is a great idea but it should never be your primary weapon. When you do end up using it for that last minute 'oh shit' moment remember to double tap. Its an emergency and thats why your using it and not your cricket bat so why skimp? One bullet more in the head will go a long way to ensuring your survival.

Rule 5: No Attachments: This is a tough one but you can not have attachments. If you got kids or a wife your less likely to survive then the gal or guy who has no attachments and nothing slowing him or her down. Or worse yet making bonehead decisions like 'going back into the room'

Rule 6: Travel in a Group: The best way to increase your odds of survival when travelling in a zombie outbreak is to make sure your a traveling buffet. Going it alone gives the zombies no choices but to eat you. Going it with the old man with the limp, the little kid who cant run and the middle aged woman with the plastic leg gives the zombies more options and you better odds you can run away faster then they can.

Rule 7: Keep the Dumb Dumbs Close at Hand: One of the most sure fire ways of making sure you survive is keeping the less intelligent as close at hand as possible. When you find somebody who asks you 'Whats going on? What Happened? Those are the ones you want with you. That way when the zombies come they are likely to stupid to realize its not Amway calling and run.

Rule 8: Kill with Efficiency: Its not about pretty its about efficiency. Alot of folks run for the gun cabinet where as the truly savvy go looking for the most blunt and effective way to destroy the brain. That can be anything from a baseball bat... to a toilet lid! Kill with Efficiency... dont use weapons that need something to work and use weapons you can swing over and over and over again. You dont tend to run into 1 zombie at a time.

Rule 9: Guns Are for Hunting, Not for Zombie Killing: This one is simple. Guns need bullets. When your running who has time to stop for bullets? Keeping a shotgun with buckshot on hand is important but only when your pinned in and need a quick getaway. Its not a proper means for killing zombies as they run out of ammo and need reloading. Remember a Cricket Bat, or Toilet Lid do not need loading!

Rule 10: Be Quiet: Its the end of the world as you know it so try to avoid squeeling like a 4th grade school girl and perhaps invest in some good sneakers. Nobody said you have to kill all the zombies and there is certainly no shame in sneaking around and surviving versus tearing around like a madman and ending up being an undead happy meal.

Rule 15: Know Your Way out! Nothing worse then a poorly planned escape. If your going to be a hero its always a good idea to plan ahead and as the rule states.. know your way out!

Rule 17: Don't Be a Hero: The hot chick who was totally gonna give you some is not worth becoming the undead. So when the going gets rough and the hot chick is about to get undead... its time to flee. No making a stand no ending up a brave zombie. Better to be a chicken liver live guy.

Rule 18: Limber Up: When either fighting a zombie or running from zombies its not a great time to be pulling a muscle or throwing your back out. So limbering up is kind of a must. Stretch it out a little.. it may save your life.

Rule 19: Blend in: Much as Shaun did in Shaun of the Dead its important to blend in. Whens the last time you saw a zombie try to eat another zombie? not easily done but with the right odor and smearing of goo on your face it can happen.

Rule 20: Find The Right Shelter: Shelter is key to survival but since we are already travelling in a group you should ask yourself why the shelter needs to be stationary. For me a motor home or large all terrain vehicle that seats a half dozen would do nicely. Plus when zombies arrive in your neighbourhood there is no last minute scramble to pack and leave. Just put it in drive and roll!

Rule 21: Zombies cant Climb. Much like you have never seen a zombie eat another zombie whens the last time you saw  a zombie climb a wall? Well other then the debacle that was the remake of Day of the Dead which had spiderman zombies. Zombies can climb so find high ground if you do need to stop.

Rule 22: Be ruthless: Much like having no attachments being ruthless is key. When your bride turns into the undead, reach for the lid to the toilet seat and be ruthless. The weak and compassionate will not survive in the world of the undead.

Rule 23: God Bless Rednecks: Rednecks are loud, brash, well armed and ready to kick ass now and ask questions later. So when a redneck shows up in your group half drunk and rumbling louder then your humvee welcome him. Sure rednecks can attract zombies but they also are well armed and kill a whole lot of em when they do come for dinner. Best of all they are good bait for you to make your exit while he is making a mess of the zombies and before he realizes he just ran out of bullets and does the happy meal groan.

Rule 24: No Drinking. This one should be pretty plain obvious. Escaping zombies is tough enough as it is. How well do you think you will do after downing a couple shots of Jack Daniels? Drinking is not a good survival tactic.

Rule 31: Check the Back Seat. I cant tell you how many times somebody has eaten it or in this case been eaten because they are just not smart enough to check the back seat. Always check the back seat friends. Always!

Rule 32: Enjoy the Little Things: Its the end of the world. Dont sweat the small stuff. Loot a neighbourhood or two, trash a car, speed! Do the little things and enjoy em. Who knows how long you have to live!
« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 07:44:24 AM by Bethor »
LORD HELMET:  I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's
former roommate.

LONE STARR:  What's that make us?

LORD HELMET:  Absolutely nothing. Which is what you are
about to become. Prepare to die.

Offline Warcold

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Re: Dead Island - sandbox zombie horror
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2011, 08:03:54 AM »
Scary, look what was in yesterdays paper (that's the shooter from Norway FYI), look at his gun, look at gun in guide i posted.
Yeah, different gun, but lot of the attachments seem exactly the same.

« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 08:05:35 AM by Warcold »
'Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime, and every kindness, we birth our future.'

'We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.
The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.'