Author Topic: [MMO]Rift: Planes of Telara  (Read 76764 times)

Offline Keggi

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Re: [MMO]Rift: Planes of Telara
« Reply #30 on: February 06, 2011, 10:13:37 AM »
my favorite combos so far.

warden/sentinel/purifer great healer

marksmen/ranger/assasin great dps hunter/rogue type.

the invasions really are epic fun and no waiting for groups to form with instant join group/raid.

i rolled on icewatch server guardian side i was on there last beta and your chars carry forward through all the betas.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 10:16:37 AM by Keggi »

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Re: [MMO]Rift: Planes of Telara
« Reply #31 on: February 06, 2011, 12:03:51 PM »
I'm currently rolling with Marksman/Ranger, with the quest to get the third.

Not sure what I think so far. Sure is pretty, but I find myself thinking 'I may as well be playing WoW'...

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Re: [MMO]Rift: Planes of Telara
« Reply #32 on: February 06, 2011, 12:42:32 PM »
"may as well be playing uo/eq/daoc/war/wow/lotro"

Tbh I thought the same on first glance on my first play, but this time round something clicked and its just really enjoyable now. Thinkf or me it was the invasions/rifts and how the method for getting in them is the obvious continuation of the WAR PQ mechanic, which was always fun.  Yes the normal quests can be a little meh, but some are quite good .

And the graphics alone is an improvement over cartoonnetwork - which is starting to look dated.  Deffo better than WARs though, alot smoother.
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Offline Jarkko

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Re: [MMO]Rift: Planes of Telara
« Reply #33 on: February 06, 2011, 01:09:51 PM »
Have been out of town the weekend (got home a few moments ago). Downloading the patch, and *damn* its slow :(  Think I'll have something to eat before I log in.

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Re: [MMO]Rift: Planes of Telara
« Reply #34 on: February 06, 2011, 11:00:40 PM »
Oh god, with a good Cleric on me (gone back to my Paladin/Warlord/Voidknight to try the warfronts), Im a juggernaut!  And with Discharge (I have a VK ability that stores 55 of each none melee damage attack I take as a thing called a Pact.  Discharge releases these pacts and doing theur damage+ a bunch of air damage to targets) proccing all the time + devouring blow (weap+physical damage dealt removes casters mana = to 50% of the combined damage, uses action points so its a combo that i ensure is up all the time) from my VK soul, casters just melt as their mana drops loads!  And once the enemy heals have gone its game over!

Also trying the profs - on armorsmith/butchery/miner at mo.  I like it, basically its wow style, with certain aspects of lotros thrown in - some items can be added to recipes to give them more of a certain stat then normal or even better planar buffs and the like - its quite cool really.  Familiar, yet still with a twist to be new enough.

For achie and "pokemon" types, there is achies, plenty of them (7420 points worth) and for collectors you can get numerous items - including tears of critters and for each completion you get special currency which can be traded for pets, mounts and so on - vanity stuff if you will.

I think in general it can be said of Rift that it amalgamates alot from the current main names in MMORPGs and combines them in a way that is familiar yet different enough to draw you in. You just need to get past the hump of "omg its xxxxx mmo reskinned", and Rifts+Invasions seems to really help with it - especially whole zone invasions!
« Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 11:59:27 PM by Mangala »
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Re: [MMO]Rift: Planes of Telara
« Reply #35 on: February 07, 2011, 12:48:42 AM »
Site for working out builds:
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Offline Jarkko

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Re: [MMO]Rift: Planes of Telara
« Reply #36 on: February 07, 2011, 05:39:11 AM »
Yeah, I feel pretty much the same. Dunno why, but it feels fresh while still being the same old, same old.

To me the bard has been very cool. I don't heal that much and don't DPS that much, but I simply make the life easier for everybody around me; they do more damage, they take less damage, heal more while also having to heal less, and in a pinch I can off-tank stuff for a short while. A bit like LOTRO captain on steroids, except can't focus as spesifically as a captain (so a captain focusing on healing would be a better healer, while a captain focusing on tanking would be lots better, etc). It's funny in PvP how often I can go unnoticed, apparently because they do not apparently notice the umpteen buffs all my friends have on them  :P

Dunno how long I'll stay interested in Rift, but I am going to find out :)  I was told Rift uses the same game engine as in WAR, don't know if it is true, but in many ways Rift feels like the game WAR *should* have been.

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Re: [MMO]Rift: Planes of Telara
« Reply #37 on: February 07, 2011, 03:31:07 PM »
Defiant feel like overplayed to anyone else?

Guardian on both servers Ive tried them on are very few on the ground, and flicking through the guild pages seems a lage number are going Defiant too. 
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Offline Keggi

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Re: [MMO]Rift: Planes of Telara
« Reply #38 on: February 07, 2011, 04:19:07 PM »
lots of gaurdians on icewatch but seems your right about majority picking defiants.

Offline Mangala

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Re: [MMO]Rift: Planes of Telara
« Reply #39 on: February 07, 2011, 04:43:54 PM »
Good post on the official Rift Forums about the game from a long time mmoers pov. I dont necessarily agree with some of his scoring (4/10 because he didnt look hard enough in Meridian to find a bank or the AH?! (both of which are in the main outdoor plaza of the city!) and Whining that bags from npc vendors cost too much, when Outfitters can make them with easily found cloths at low levels - so voilá trade other players!) But he does a good job otherwise.

Okay so I've played many MMO's over the years; WOW, LOTRO, AION, Guild Wars to name a few. This was my first RIFT play this weekend. Here is my take on things thus far. Please do not flame and etc, this is just my observation and opinion, yours may differ. I played many different souls, classes, races and faction all to level 12 at least.

Character Creation 9/10
First off character creation is great, many features to play with and customize. However, are all guardians white?...hmmm, may cause some offense here Trion should re-think that one. The body shapes, facial features are very realistic. However, do all the male dwarves have to look like bridge trolls? I mean they are all but ugly....I hit the random button at least 20 times only to find that I was staring at a butt ugly troll, with hairy arms that are not in proportion to their bodies.

Graphics 9/10
The graphics are very good...the beta actually told me I needed to update my drivers before I would get Ultra performance from my Nvidia 8800 GTX. I did that and had no choppy framerate and the lettering was not blurry at 1920x1080, it was however quite blurry at lower settings. I am pretty sure they patched this on Saturday I believe. Detailing was good as was shadowing.

Character Realism/Movement 7/10
My main compliant here is character movement. The characters run like the have a corn-cob up their a--. However, fighting mechanics were quite good. Mages kinda look like they are literally bending over backwards when they cast their

Character Racials 4/10
Character racials in this game simply blow. Case in point...the Kelari get this ability to transform into an invisible fox and supposedly mobs ignore them as they walk by, this is untrue I transformed into a fox several times and walked by mobs who proceeded to beat on me. The small increases to Dexterity, strength, etc were almost negligible. So make whatever race you like and forget racials.

Gameplay/Questing 9/10
Here is the meat of the game, questing was incredibly good. As with all MMO's it has a majority of the "Go get me this..quests" and the "Go kill 8/10/12 of these things" however, they main storyline was still intact. You felt like you were a part of the game as opposed to being in a game. Quests and zones were all interrelated and the Guardian quests were quite fun. Defiant questing was a little harder, I died more as a defiant then I ever did as a guardian. So defiant quests were harder. There were some defiant quests as well as a small few guardian quests that were almost impossible to do solo. The one quest I have in mind is a defiant quest (can't remember the name of it) were you have to place this object on two portals where these dog head human things (Cynocephaly) were streaming out like water. I couldn't kill these things fast enough to get the object placed. I had to wait for assistance from others to accomplish it. Which was fine, no points taken off for that. I would like to see more creative questing like in LoTRo, there is a few quests where you play "hide-n-seek" with someone, very cool. My biggest complaint here is that I would like to see the level of quest I am about to accept. Nowhere did I see any quest levels, prior to accepting the quest.

Soul System/The Ascended Class System 10/10
This is the coolest system I have seen to date. You can bee whatever you like to play...You can match your playstyle to the game, as opposed to changing your play style to get the most DPS. Oh, I'm sure some brainiac will figure out what class, race and souls chose to be for the most DPS and Healing, but for whatever you want and it's fun. The way it is designed is quite interesting as you can spec however you want and have fun trying all of the different soul combinations. This system really allows you to play many different toons without getting bored. I will probably change souls a bunch of times just to experiment and see what I like to play. It appeared to me that whatever soul choice you make they are all (almost) pretty viable when it comes to PVE content. I REALLY love the pets in this game, the Beastmaster is awesome!! As is the Ranger!! However, the Druid Fairy is GAY!! Although it can heal you so....whatever. I found the Nightblade/Ranger combo to be quite fun....throw fire knives at them, let the pet roll up behind them and gut em like a fish!!!

Financial/Storage/Bank/AH 4/10
Plan and simple vendor items are simply to expensive!! I know people will disagree here but I think 23 gold for an 8 slot bag is ridiculous! And 2 platinum and some gold for a mount is insane. Also, there are way TOO FEW auction houses and banks in the cities and towns. I played to level 12 and visited many towns and cities and never once found a bank or auction house...??? This is both on the defiant side as well as guardian. Although you get a medium sized bag to start and a couple 4 slot bags from quests, once you start your profession....forget it, you WILL need to spend some serious gold for upgraded bags, because there aren't any AH's or Banks around. So know this (unless they fix it), once you start crafting you will need to spend at least 50 gold for two medium sized bags.

Crafting/Nodes 5/10
I didn't get too much into the crafting, but this is what I noticed right away. Someone mentioned that the outfitter had it too easy, well this is true for most tailoring professions that I've seen in games, however the professions are all good. I LOVE the fact that you can DE (breakdown, dismantle, recoup, whatever) the items you make and get back some materials to make more. The ratio is quite steady but not 1 for 1 (which it shouldn't be) in other words if I make an pair of armor boots I can DE it and I have a chance to get back a bar of tin or whatever material it is made of. What REALLY brings down the score here is the lack of mining nodes in comparison to butchering and forageing. Mining nodes are scarce, yet they only give you one to three chunks of "---". However, there is a butt ton of herbs and wood and leather to be had!! As well as artifacting, way too few nodes. Please Trion make more mining nodes throughout the world!!!

RIFT (In game rift openings and gameplay) 10+/10
The concept of public group raiding is absolutely AMAZING, INCREDIBLE and SUPERIOR!!!! It really makes the game for the casual player...well, playable. Not true in MANY other MMO's Trion was really thinking here. For those of you who don't know; a rift opens up in the world and mobs flow out of them. As you run to the rift area, there are usually others there. A button appears at the top of your screen asking if you would like to join a public raid group. You click it and instantly you are in a raid style group to kill mobs and close the rifts (or fight off mobs attacking a town). I did join a raid group and fought of everything I could get my weapons on and received Planerites which can be turned in for great perks and gear. The "Drop" rate for planerites is good as well as other "stuff" (they Need.Greed>Pass system is in place as well). I experimented once and joined the group, but did absolutely nothing...and as you would expect I got nothing. It appears that Trion designed it so that you have to participate in order to receive (GENIUS!!)...Nothing errks me more than someone not pulling their weight! Grrr! I LOVE this concept and this will be a big selling point for me. I hated the raiding systems in so many other games because you had to either be a dedicated player or not work when raids were going on. Rifts open all the time and you can "raid" as much or as little as you want!! PERFECTION!!

Recanted...the killing the NPC's

Monthly Subscription Pricing 10/10
Pay as you go (month to month $15) or prepaid 3-6 months at a time. The best deal? 6 months at $10 a month!!

All in all I will buy this game and play it, it is WAY better than Lotro, Wow, Aion and GW. I will definitely play this game exclusively for a long time (at least until they nerf the s--t out of it as with ever other MMO I've played). All of you who are on the fence I would truly spend the money and try it out, you will be pleased, especially if you are a casual/solo/raiding/group player!

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Offline Mangala

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Re: [MMO]Rift: Planes of Telara
« Reply #40 on: February 07, 2011, 04:46:59 PM »
And his points on the rift public raids/groups is awesome. I find it brilliant that everyone gets something for doing stuff during rifts and invasions, even if its just Planarite (special currency that lets you buy planar items (Favor for pvp items)) and exp :)

PS as mentioned earlier in the thread, the next and final beta phase is the 15-22 february.  Headstart is the 24th, live is 28?
« Last Edit: February 07, 2011, 04:49:51 PM by Mangala »
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Offline Keggi

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Re: [MMO]Rift: Planes of Telara
« Reply #41 on: February 07, 2011, 05:38:57 PM »
live 1st march NA and 4th march EU so we get a big jump on live with the headstart.

Offline Jarkko

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Re: [MMO]Rift: Planes of Telara
« Reply #42 on: February 07, 2011, 05:44:55 PM »
Open beta in a week.

On February 15th Trion will lift the veil on their upcoming MMORPG Rift™ with a six-day open beta event, giving all would-be Defiants and Guardians the opportunity to preview the epic world of Telara before the game launches worldwide on March 1st. Servers are scheduled to be open from 7:00 AM PST on Tuesday, February 15th to 7:00 AM PST on Monday, February 21st, giving users a taste of Telara, including two playable factions, the first 42 levels of play, three PvP warfronts, and several zones and dungeons to explore.

Sign up now at for a guaranteed spot in the “Telara the Merciless” beta event, and secure your spot in the Rift head start period (February 24-March 1) by pre-ordering the game now at

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Re: [MMO]Rift: Planes of Telara
« Reply #43 on: February 07, 2011, 09:33:02 PM »

Just to get the 6month sub at £6 a month.  Worth it to be honest. Eventually works out at like £10 a month inc the cost of the game.  Not bad for a bit of a change.
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Offline Keggi

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Re: [MMO]Rift: Planes of Telara
« Reply #44 on: February 08, 2011, 07:54:10 AM »

Just to get the 6month sub at £6 a month.  Worth it to be honest. Eventually works out at like £10 a month inc the cost of the game.  Not bad for a bit of a change.

me too went for the 3 month option was riding around on the turtle mount wasnt as bad as i thought but will be getting a horse ingame too.

will probable join some big guild see how it goes i did get an invite to a guild called luminence which seemed quite big but didnt see the point in joining in beta.