What we have played > Lord of the Rings Online

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didnt transfer my account either thought i would not play again but never say never.

i have a vip account for the next 12 months got the moria and mirkwood xpacks so far and have a lvl11 elf hunter name of yewleaf will ask for invite if i see anybody on.

I'll keep an eye out, Im having a pve burst at the mo in between CSM/EVE stuff.

I'll most likely be on Monday at some stage.

i now have the mirkwood and rohan xpacs.

the economy seems to have gone to shit i have 130 gold at level 35 didnt have anywhere near that at level 60 before but i suppose its supply and demand less people grinding things brings higher prices on the AH.

the whole free to play thing it bugged the hell out of me to start with too in your face but gotten used to it now.

i like the fact they have revisited some areas and the quest seem to flow better but at the price of being a little easier or maybe just at a higher level doing them than i was before (seem to get far too much xp from crafting).

all in all enjoying it again hope moria has changed because i didnt enjoy the area the first time .

well as predicted the last year or two has been pretty insane and since I've started my new career (maths teacher... I know, I've heard all the comments) it's been even worse. Still with the summer holidays coming up, I hope to get some quality play in. Mainly with my RK but also possibly with Britestirm (sometimes you just gotta hit something and shout a lot you know)

If you see letradan, say hi!


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