Author Topic: ORVR Update soon  (Read 6220 times)

Offline Mangala

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ORVR Update soon
« on: October 11, 2010, 09:06:47 PM »
WAR actually has a huge ORvR overhaul coming up, and from what I've seen so far it looks fucking awesome.

1) when the zone unlocks, each side has a keep. if you take the enemy's keep, you win the zone and it progresses. that's it.

2) BOs are always vulnerable. controlling the BO generates resources for your keep

3) the resources are moved by an NPC which needs to be protected. you can gank the npcs and steal the resources for your own keep instead.

4) only rams can damage the keep door (along with.... see later)

5) siege weapons can be placed anywhere around the keep grounds and have been buffed

6) keep upgrades increase the armour of your resource carriers, give you siege weapons and... give you aerial bombers. bombers are on a fixed path, and let you lob bombs down and jump off over their keep

7) keep lords (as are all BO/keep NPCs) are gone. you capture the keep by interacting with the flag. for 30 seconds. any damage resets it.

8) The zerg is now completely split out, defending BOs and skirmishing everywhere.

9) Playable Skaven. Oh yes  ???. Rat Ogre (can lob allies onto the keep walls), Packmaster (can heal Ogres, can jump to/on them for defense, can summon a swarm of rats to debuff targets), Gutter Runner (permastealth, low damage, mount speed when stealthed, can sabotage siege weapons causing the firerer to take an insane amount of damage) and the Engineer which buffs siege weaponry and has an AoE warpstone flamethrower.

Read more:

Basically, zerg broken, loads of hit and run for small guilds, all culminating in a massive assault on the keep, the winner of which gets the zone. No more victory/domination points!
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Offline Caradir

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Re: ORVR Update soon
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2010, 09:13:15 PM »
i like the ability to move siege weapons ANYWHERE use them to protect BOs or just in the middle of the map for lulz :)
"Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money." Josiah Stamp (Governor Bank of England 1928-41)

Offline Kurtt

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Re: ORVR Update soon
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2010, 10:06:20 PM »
This is currently up on the PTS. You can make a premade tier 3 toon at 30 and give it a go.

Played a bit as a Warrior Priest. The process seemed a bit disjointed/confusing at first, but I had seen no notes, and the population was quit low.

Notable changes are highlighted in Jon's post above. Griffon bombing is fuuuun. Especially as you can drop the bombs on Destro below the flight path. I managed to jump of my Griffon as I was over the outer walls of Stoneclaw Castle (Empire Tier 3) and land on the battlements and start wailing on Destro and their warmachines. Thats gonna be fun come live.

Also, when you die, you now spawn in your keep. Very cool, and no more long runs and missed RP's and INF.

Offline peo

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Re: ORVR Update soon
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2010, 05:47:29 PM »
Sounds like it could perhaps be worth to try again if it is done properly...

Offline Mangala

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Re: ORVR Update soon
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2010, 03:47:35 PM »
Sounds like it could perhaps be worth to try again if it is done properly...

if by properly you mean cgaring EXTRA for a couple of rvr related packs...

(They are giving away 1.4.0 as a free update but then certain aspects of it they have decided to sell as packs via the EA store when it goes live.
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Offline Mangala

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Re: ORVR Update soon
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2010, 09:27:09 AM »
1.4.0 made the following zone cap changes:

Zone Capture
The following changes have been made to the Zone Capture Mechanics for all Tiers. New features and mechanics will follow this section.
* When a zone becomes contested, it will now start with neutral battlefield objectives, one Order-owned keep, and one Destruction-owned keep. Note: This is a change for the Tier 4 contested zones that are closest to the cities as previously these zones would start with both keeps owned by the defending realm.
* There are no longer NPC Guards, Sergeants, or Lords at any of the Keeps or Battlefield Objectives. These have been replaced by a single flag capture mechanic.
* The lockout timer for all Battlefield Objectives has been reduced to 5 minutes.
* Keeps may no longer be claimed by guilds.
* Keep doors may now only be damaged by Rams and players currently controlling a Skaven Rat Ogre. Rams are now obtainable at Keep Rank 4. See the notes on Keep Leveling for more details.
* Zone Domination Timers have been removed.
* The Victory Point Pool as a victory condition has been removed.
* Siege pads have been removed. Siege is now obtainable starting at Keep Rank 3 with additional Siege becoming available as the Keep increases in Rank. Siege obtained in this manner, aside from the Ram, can now be placed anywhere in the RvR Lake. Please see the notes on Keep Leveling and Siege Mechanics for more information.
* Siege weaponry is not longer purchasable through Gold or Ordnance. Players now obtain Siege from their Realm's Keep once it reaches Keep Rank 3.
* The Underdog system will now work in relation to the new zone mechanics detailed below.
New Zone Mechanics:
* Battlefield Objectives have been modified in the following manners:
- Capturing and holding a battlefield objective will now gather resources needed to level a keep. These resources are gathered over time and progress can be monitored on the map or new RVR tracker.
- Resources are generated via a formula that takes into account rate of generation and Resource Carrier travel times. As a result, the further a Battle Field Objective is from the Warcamp, the more Resources the Resource Carrier will deliver upon completing its mission.
- Once generated, the BO will spawn a Resource Carrier to take the Resources to either the Warcamp or the Keep of the owning Realm. Resources will not be credited to the realm until they arrive at either the Warcamp or Keep. If a Resource Carrier is killed by the enemy Realm before it can reach the Warcamp or Keep, the Resources will drop to the ground and either Realm can capture them for a reduced (25%) amount going to their resource pool.
- Resource Carriers are combat-unresponsive and will not deter from their mission, but they can be killed. Resource Carriers are upgraded at Keep Rank 1 (Armored Resource Carrier) and 2 (Mounted Resource Carrier).
- Resource Carriers for both Realms will show up on the map and mini-map tracker.
- Resource Carriers will deliver resources to the Warcamp or Keep when given order or two minutes after spawning, whichever comes first.
* Keeps have been modified in the following manners:
- Players will now respawn inside their Keep. Once the inner Keep door has been destroyed, players will respawn at their Realm's Warcamp.
- Resurrection is prohibited for enemy forces in the area around the keep until the outer door has been destroyed. This only applies to Tier 3 and 4 zones.
- Claiming an enemy keep is now accomplished by successfully interacting with the enemy keep flag. This can only be accomplished once both the inner and outer Keep Doors have been destroyed.
- Keep Doors may now only be damaged by Rams and players currently controlling a Skaven Rate Ogre. Rams are available at Keep Rank 4. (see below)
- Leveling - Keeps will now level up based on Resource pools. As Resource Carriers successfully deliver Resources or enemy deliveries are intercepted, this pool will grow. The current progress of a Keep's Resource pool can be seen on the map and the new RVR Tracker. Once it reaches enough Resources, a Keep increase in Rank and new benefits will be made available. A list of benefits by Rank is as follows:
- Rank 0 -Default level; Grants respawn at keep ability.
- Rank 1 - Resource Carriers are now armored.
- Rank 2 - Resource Carriers are now mounted.
- Rank 3 - 2 aerial bombers are available 1 single-target siege weapon is available, & 2 multi-target siege weapons are available.
- Rank 4 - Ram is available, 2 additional aerial bombers are available, 1 additional single target and 2 additional multi-target siege weapons are available.
- Rank 5 -1 additional single target and 2 additional multi-target siege weapons are available.
* Siege weapons are now available in limited quantity based on the Rank of the Keep. Siege weaponry will spawn at an upgraded Keep and may be carried and placed anywhere in the RvR Lake. Because of their limited nature and the need to place them by hand, these siege weapons are considerably more powerful than previous siege weapons.
* Rams operate similarly to siege weapons except they may only be deployed in front of the enemy keep door.
* Aerial Bombers are a new mechanic that will allow players to make a bombing run on the enemy keep. While on a bombing run, players will be granted two abilities.
- Fire Bomb / Chaos Fire Bomb
- Lobs a fire bomb to the targeted location creating a pit of flame for 10 seconds dealing damage every 1 second to enemies who come within 22.5 feet.
- Dismount
- A swift dismount that will hurl you to the targeted location.
* There is now a Victory Point pool for each contested zone. Unlike its previous incarnation, Victory Points now refer to the pool of rewards that will be available to the winner and loser of a contested zone battle. This pool will begin with the winners gets the lion share of the rewards. As a battle wages on, the pool will push the winner and loser percentages closer together. There will always be an advantage for the winners in rewards, but if the losers hold out long enough they will be rewarded appropriately.
* The victory conditions for the Tier 1 RvR Lake has been changed so that it now only requires a Realm to capture and own all of the Battlefield Objectives. Due to the nature of Tier 1, Battlefield Objective NPC Guards and Sergeants remain when a Battle Field Objective
"May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk."