The Lounge > General Gaming

What are we all currently playing?

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Lotro, Blood Bowl, Champions Beta, fallen earth Beta, COH, ermm Eve (ish)

--- Quote from: Thuggy on July 30, 2009, 10:33:32 AM ---Just discovered Mass Effect - damn, its got me hooked! Great story line.

--- End quote ---

great game that one ;)

I'm playing - or currently trying to play - too many games.

EVE Online: I log on, read mails, check contracts (private to me that i have arranged) or the general system, fit a ship or two, jump clone around and pretty much station spin.  Difficult to find stuff to do that I want to do :(

Lord of the Rings Online: Log on, play Beo, miss the sky, log off him, log on an alt and eventually start raging about changes to stuff being easier and log off;

Warhammer AoR: Got a slayer going, its fun in the lower bracket.  Not sure if I'll go past T3 though, game is massively fucked in T4 even now;

Planetside: Tower assaults get fucked by my engineer of doom and boomer packs placed EVERYWHERE :D

EUIII: Trying to figure this out slowly;

MTW2: Playing as a now Muslim England in a game ive been playing for about a year now (I extended the turn numbers massively :D).  Its damn awesome having slowly but surely changed the dominant religion. The rebellions in my contintental provinces rocked :D

GTA IV: I have a controller now, and its much easier to play, moves smoother. I wish they hadnt done it as a stright console port and therefore fucked the only good way to control stuff;

Fallout 3 + all released DLC: As freeform an rpg as I can get recently, its great fun;

Simcity 4: My old "boredom" fall back. I load up a city and tweak a little more, rebuild downtown, flatten the po'homes and generally act like Boris on E :D

I'm trying to play Blood Bowl online.

If that fails, there's patience on my PDA that I regularly indulge in.

150 seconds high score.

EVE - I just about manage to visit it daily to update skills :-[
LoTRO - havent played it for a while but account is still active.
Civ 4 - Love this game . Its my chill out game that i use to wind down when ive had a rough day / week  :P
LoTR 'the battle for middle earth II colelctors edition' - not a bad stand alone game that occassionally intrudes.

Play time is almost non existant at present so not much of any of these gets done   :'(

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