What we have played > Warhammer Online

The Details...

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To get into this and have some damn good fun you need to do the following:

1. Get an Everlasting Trial from here.

2. Download the client if you do not have it already.

3. Once downloaded & installed log in.

4. Choose Karak Azgal as your server.

5.  Go Order side.

6. Create a character - or a few characters.

7. Enter game and look out for a Hands of Justice member - or check this thread for names.

8. Get into guild and have GOOD TIMES in TIER 1*

*Limited to Empire:Chaos pairing, but all races.

These trials CAN join guilds.

Just got one of my characters into it :)

also remember to go into your trial account and click on activate trial at the top of the page

i missed that for a while and wondered why i kept getting kicked when trying to login.

can take ten minutes after clicking said activate trial before you can actually log into the patcher.

A note on the trial:

    *  Endless Trial accounts are restricted to Tier 1 of the Empire versus Chaos pairing. This includes Tier 1 scenarios but does not include access to the Capital Cities or the other racial pairings within the game.

    * Endless Trial accounts may receive mail and purchase from the auction house; however, they cannot send mail or create auctions.

I wonder how one can purchase from AH without access to the capital city...


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