What we have played > Warhammer Online

Twink T1

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We have 30 days to twink our free trials to the eyeballs.

I'll be using beo to hit the Ah and farm gear for us if needed to do this.  I reckon a twinked group would be fun - lots of possible subscriber tears!

Heh, and here I was planning on activating my account for a month, so that I could craft a crapton of potions and gems for my free toon(s) ;D

For twinking everything else will be fairly easy (get full supperior quality gear from the PvP rewards and public quests (if we choose to run them)), but shoulders will be the hard part (and helmets nearly impossible; there are some hats dropping for level 11, but they are ultra rare I think).

Anyone has a gear list lying around?

just noticed cloaks dropping in scenarios not sure if they dropped before.


--- Quote from: Gunnarr on November 15, 2009, 03:41:06 PM ---Anyone has a gear list lying around?

--- End quote ---
You'll find all the available gear from http://www.wardb.com/

Use the optional filters to select your class and set the level you want to check.


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