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Messages - peo

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EVE Online / Re: Ice Mining Skills
« on: January 07, 2009, 01:41:06 PM »
Make sure it is the second tier barge, more useful for mining since the first one is rubbish.
The Covetor would be available for Swuliina some time late March, so if that is what is needed, then I won't be available for ice harvesting in a looong time...

Eh? sure? If I make a brand new char it would take 15 days according to evemon to get to the retriever which is the second tier one, the covetor is third tier.

EVE Online / Re: Ice Mining Skills
« on: January 07, 2009, 01:27:29 PM »
Swuliina will have the skill to fly a Mining Barge next Wednesday, and will have Ice Harvesting 1 then too. Just need to find a Mining Barge and the harvesters  ;D

Make sure it is the second tier barge, more useful for mining since the first one is rubbish.

EVE Online / Re: Ice Mining Skills
« on: January 07, 2009, 12:39:29 PM »
I could consider making an ice mining alt, would be on the same account as Hrod though so it would have to wait until i have a cruiser and some skills for that (Sunday or Monday I would suspect to have a Stabber depending on funds).
About 2 weeks I think it would take to get into the medium mining barge.

EVE Online / Re: EvE Character Sticky Thread
« on: January 05, 2009, 04:36:07 PM »
My char is named Hrodgar Ortal.
(will probably subscribe for one month when the trial is up in a few days)

The Dog & Duck / Re: 2009, what you looking forward too?
« on: January 05, 2009, 09:01:48 AM »
However unlikely it seems getting a job is the only thing I hope for...  :-\

EVE Online / Re: New Player record!
« on: January 05, 2009, 08:29:28 AM »
Now they only need 9950000 to reach wow numbers hehe :)

EVE Online / Re: Ma'adim: Direction?
« on: January 04, 2009, 07:08:15 PM »
Goons are + to TCF (Superb +10)
Goons are + to KIA (Good +5)
Goons are = to UFA (Neutral)

Would suspect that the neutral has mostly to do with the small size of ufa?

EVE Online / Re: Ma'adim: Direction?
« on: January 04, 2009, 06:33:49 PM »

EVE Online / Re: Ice Mining Skills
« on: January 04, 2009, 04:17:35 PM »
Just bought Ammik a Mackinaw :)

I'd be willing to subsidise other peoples (pay a percentage of the cost) should people be willing to provide a percentage of ice mined to KASEI (could then sell the rest to the market) :)

Not that I would be able to do that but how much ice are we talking about? I mean how much will KASEI need?

I agree that a focus is needed.
The main reason is our size, a very large corp can have multiple "divisions".
Personally I would say that an initial focus on ships would be most beneficial to the corp as a whole (and should be possible to sell at a profit??)
Ships, especially the t2 kind, will probably be the largest expenditure a single member will have when we move to some pvp, so being able to manufacture a significant portion of the ships needed is good in my opinion.
If it is possible to get KASEI to return a profit on selling BPC or something like that then it is a very good idea, it reduces the need to fund it from the parent in either case.
As for which ships we should make, beats me. Is it necessary to decide between capitals and "normal" ships? I assume we will need both in the end?

I think that reducing the purchases of ore/minerals by the corp is a good idea as well, especially currently when we don't build much. If we start building for sales the requirements for ore will increase and we can hopefully meet that need.

EVE Online / Re: Ma'adim: Direction?
« on: January 04, 2009, 06:04:23 AM »
UFA wasn't holding much space haha :)
Looks like what? 3-4 systems? or am I reading the map wrong?
Of course for a start that is enough to keep a thight hold on :)

EVE Online / Re: Module Types - an explanation
« on: January 02, 2009, 03:25:23 PM »
Going off-topic again (I am on a roll today), but as I see Large Graviton Smartbomb I on your list on items to be mineralised (I hope that is a proper word) and as I have the smaller ones banked (or what ever the proper EVE term is for bank), would it at some point be possible for someone (or maybe there is one available already somewhere in ze interwebz?) to provide a list of stuff that would be best reprocessed and not clog up personal/corp bank with them?

I think that most unnamed things sell for less than the minerals, but not all.
The difference might not be large so could be that it would be easier just to fry them.

EVE Online / Re: Capital Ship Pilots
« on: January 02, 2009, 03:22:08 PM »
I intend to have proper skills for piloting a HAC in April, and that really really is as far as I can plan anything (I usually plan things at most 30 seconds ahead)... That said, I hope there is something in T3 (Hrodgar did teach me the difference of T1 and T2 the other day, I now feel such a pro :) ) that can be built on from proper HAC skills.

I did? yay me :) have no idea what I might have said in my random ramblings ;)

EVE Online / Re: Corporate Operating Model
« on: January 02, 2009, 01:37:46 PM »
I voted communalist, but I'm somewhere between communalist and capitalist really.

Main reason it that a high taxrate would for me feel unfair towards the people who acctually make huge piles of money (ie not me :) ) and would make it more difficult for them to pay for time with isk as they are currently.

EVE Online / Re: Capital Ship Pilots
« on: January 02, 2009, 01:19:37 PM »
Can't plan that far ahead really :)
But I do find titans to be very cool and if I play long enough would like to fly one haha but realistically that is so far ahead I'm not planning for it right now.

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