Hands of Justice

What we have played => Star Wars: The Old Republic => Topic started by: Mangala on November 01, 2011, 12:58:48 PM

Title: Is it december yet?
Post by: Mangala on November 01, 2011, 12:58:48 PM
well is it?

There has to be an obscure calendar somewhere that says it is.
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Kurtt on November 01, 2011, 01:56:10 PM
My wife said to me last night 'Can you believe it's November tomorrow?' and my honest to goodness first thought was 'Only 50 odd days left...'.

Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Caradir on November 01, 2011, 02:07:58 PM
My wife said to me last night 'Can you believe it's November tomorrow?' and my honest to goodness first thought was 'Only 50 odd days left...'.


bet you didnt vocalise that to her though ;)

Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Goatboy on November 01, 2011, 05:09:43 PM
You're talking to the guy that suggested Kal El as the name for their son. And the wife who was OK with that until she found out it was Superman's name.

And: http://isitchristmas.com/
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Caradir on November 01, 2011, 06:06:14 PM
You're talking to the guy that suggested Kal El as the name for their son. And the wife who was OK with that until she found out it was Superman's name.

And: http://isitchristmas.com/

FUCK id have given you 1M respect points for getting that name on your child and past the wife ;)

now why didnt you go for Tony Stark (surname here) :D
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Kurtt on November 01, 2011, 07:44:53 PM
You're talking to the guy that suggested Kal El as the name for their son. And the wife who was OK with that until she found out it was Superman's name.

And: http://isitchristmas.com/

Yup, very nearly made that one.

But Garry is right, I failed to mention the looming release of SWTOR to the Mrs! :D
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Chug on November 01, 2011, 08:13:23 PM
well is it?

There has to be an obscure calendar somewhere that says it is.

you're just making it harder for yourself, Jon.

50 days to go, though. A milestone to cling onto.
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Warcold on November 01, 2011, 08:47:18 PM
[Is it december yet?]

well is it?

There has to be an obscure calendar somewhere that says it is.

You could try the calender of Romulus or the calender of Numa (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_calendar). Couldnt find any calculators for em though and I'm not going to try and look into it myself. But while you're waiting 50 days...

To give you some hope:

Two precise astronomical synchronisms given by Livy show that in 168 BC the two calendars were misaligned by more than two months, and in 190 BC they were four months out of alignment.
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Caradir on November 03, 2011, 03:21:41 PM
seems guild is "ready to be deployed" as more than 4 have preorders ;)
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Mangala on November 03, 2011, 03:25:28 PM
seems guild is "ready to be deployed" as more than 4 have preorders ;)

The rumours that whole deployable thing is causing are hilarious right now.

Havent ventured to the official boards, but I get its fun there too (basically rumour says guilded folks will get access first to the headstart etc etc")
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Caradir on November 03, 2011, 03:31:57 PM
mostly on the official boards at the mo, RPers moaning about BW stating that they will not implement RP only rulesest for community on RP servers.

The furries are up in arms.
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Kurtt on November 03, 2011, 06:23:43 PM
Wow, this one snuck up on me. And it's not even Friday!

All jolly exciting. Also, all of our Allies and Adversaries are ready for deployment.

Very cool.
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Chug on November 04, 2011, 10:09:52 AM
My guild is 1 person short  :-[
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Mangala on November 04, 2011, 10:27:25 AM
My guild is 1 person short  :-[

What was that, in a star wars game no one wants to be the villain as they always lose?
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Chug on November 04, 2011, 01:48:32 PM
My guild is 1 person short  :-[

What was that, in a star wars game no one wants to be the villain as they always lose?

Nah it's because all of the kids are going Jedi, so less players for us to snap up  ;)
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Caradir on November 04, 2011, 01:54:08 PM
My guild is 1 person short  :-[

What was that, in a star wars game no one wants to be the villain as they always lose?

Nah it's because all of the kids are going Jedi, so less players for us to snap up  ;)

then recruit adults and not  imperial kiddies :P  ooooh i wanna be a badass Sith *sheesh* and remember tell George Lucas its Sidhe and has nowt to do with red skinned aliens :P
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Chug on November 04, 2011, 02:23:25 PM
i'll be sure to do so next time I pop round his
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Kurtt on November 04, 2011, 03:30:24 PM
My guild is 1 person short  :-[

What was that, in a star wars game no one wants to be the villain as they always lose?

Nah it's because all of the kids are going Jedi, so less players for us to snap up  ;)

Are you having a laugh? Loads more emo kiddies will be going Sith over Jedi.

All the best with those!
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Caradir on November 04, 2011, 03:36:10 PM
My guild is 1 person short  :-[

What was that, in a star wars game no one wants to be the villain as they always lose?

Nah it's because all of the kids are going Jedi, so less players for us to snap up  ;)

thats what i said * kind of*

its what i meant anyways :D

Are you having a laugh? Loads more emo kiddies will be going Sith over Jedi.

All the best with those!
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Caradir on November 23, 2011, 02:31:52 PM
Blizz may not be happy

This holidy season, another new competitor throws its hat into the ring to take on World of Warcraft. Star Wars: The Old Republic is getting set for a mid-December release, and analysts believe that the newcomer could take as many as 1.6 million players from World of Warcraft.
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Kurtt on November 23, 2011, 02:50:52 PM
Blizz may not be happy

This holidy season, another new competitor throws its hat into the ring to take on World of Warcraft. Star Wars: The Old Republic is getting set for a mid-December release, and analysts believe that the newcomer could take as many as 1.6 million players from World of Warcraft.

I'm not making any comments on how SWTOR will effect WoW, as it's been done before, with no real effect.

But SWTOR looks like it has the ability to corner a chunk of the market. As long as there's a healthy sub base in the next year, I'll be a happy bunny.
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Dlarah on November 23, 2011, 03:23:45 PM
I dont see where they get the 1.6 mill number from.
What i picked up from an article about this was that 381 wow players were asked and 50% of them plan to buy swtor and 38% are interested in the game. WoW had lost 1.7 mill over the last year and then they believed 900k to 1.6 mill will leave for swtor... wut?
Either something was lost on translation or i am reading something wrong.
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Mangala on November 23, 2011, 03:26:24 PM
Tbh more good mmos on the market is the aim all gamers want.

However using the tired old wow-esque (which in itself was a rip off of other ideas) formulae may not be the way to do it.  Proof will be if swtor is flourishing in a year or if plans are a foot to f2p (then again this is EA, masters at fleecing people year in year out...) the game like many other ex-wow killers and so on.

Its a certainty that this game will pull in boatloads of people, but whether it has the staying power WoW did (without moving to F2P like other mmos do), is another matter.  How fast will the churn out content, how polished will it be after the initial release polish, how deeply into their own lore (within the EU) will bioware go/can go before Lucas goes nope and millions of voices cry out...

Anyway, why isnt it Friday yet?
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Caradir on November 23, 2011, 03:39:31 PM
Tbh more good mmos on the market is the aim all gamers want.

However using the tired old wow-esque (which in itself was a rip off of other ideas) formulae may not be the way to do it.  Proof will be if swtor is flourishing in a year or if plans are a foot to f2p (then again this is EA, masters at fleecing people year in year out...) the game like many other ex-wow killers and so on.

Its a certainty that this game will pull in boatloads of people, but whether it has the staying power WoW did (without moving to F2P like other mmos do), is another matter.  How fast will the churn out content, how polished will it be after the initial release polish, how deeply into their own lore (within the EU) will bioware go/can go before Lucas goes nope and millions of voices cry out...

Anyway, why isnt it Friday yet?

Lorewise not much has been written about the timeline the game is set, they cant fuck up lore the way SWG has ;) (anyways Lucas doesnt need help with the amount of retcon that passed into the many novels.)

p.s. Han shot first was the worst form of retcon ;)
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Caradir on November 23, 2011, 06:43:51 PM
tried to post countdown widget but wouldnt work so instead

26 days 5 hours or so ;)

heres the code if someone can get it working

<object width="210" height="210" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0"><param name="movie" value="http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/misc/us-swtor-countdown-republic.swf"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/misc/us-swtor-countdown-republic.swf" width="210" height="210" wmode="transparent" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></object>
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Mangala on November 24, 2011, 10:11:05 AM
Thats for embedding in an actual webpage, not forum bbcode.

(I think it can be embedded in a widget on the frontpage however, I'll look at that later - after moar skyrim)
Title: Re: Is it december yet?
Post by: Mangala on November 24, 2011, 11:24:44 AM

heres the code if someone can get it working

<object width="210" height="210" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0"><param name="movie" value="http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/misc/us-swtor-countdown-republic.swf"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/misc/us-swtor-countdown-republic.swf" width="210" height="210" wmode="transparent" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></object>

And see:


Working :)