The Dog & Duck / Re: How's everyone doing?
« on: April 25, 2020, 02:11:22 PM »
Hi, not often any activity here.
I'm not hit that badly, working from home or more exactly from the countryside (dads old place, he passed in september...)
Playing way to much classic, horde side on Zandalar tribe.
Other than that mostly work, and more work… interspaced with some dreaming about sailing (new/old interest, got myself a sailboat 2 years ago)
I'm not hit that badly, working from home or more exactly from the countryside (dads old place, he passed in september...)
Playing way to much classic, horde side on Zandalar tribe.
Other than that mostly work, and more work… interspaced with some dreaming about sailing (new/old interest, got myself a sailboat 2 years ago)