Author Topic: Ironbreaker Application  (Read 1818 times)


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Ironbreaker Application
« on: October 03, 2008, 06:41:43 PM »
Hello there, 
Characters & Classes:
(If you have not chosen, then just tell us what class(es) you will most likely roll)
Currently playing  a ironbreaker(thordek), and finding it to be loads of fun (when the healers notice me trying to help out that is)       
Was origanlly planning to roll a blackguard or knight of the blasing sun. but since they disapeared ,i chose to play the angry brickwall that is an ironbreaker  .
  im currently 20years  old.
 Living in Norway oslo.

GMT(computer is telling me that the timezone for Oslo (and Amsterdam,Berlin,Roma and Wien) is GMT +01:00)

Gaming Style:
(Do you play 50 hours a week or 50 hours over a year? Do you poopsock your way to the highest level or take it slooooooooooow?)
 Well i genrally play for a couple of hours 2 to 3 times during the week.And more during the weekend .This depends on how "hard" i have to study, and other things that might be happening.  I guess im a Semi slow  leveler,generally taking my time and exploring alot. Enjoying filling up my tome with all sorts of lore tidbits. 

About you:
A little about you will be sufficient. What you enjoy away from the game, if you work, study etc. Generally anything to get us a feel for you as a person.
Currently studying Biology at the univeristy in Oslo, Its pretty interesting,but at the same time it seems like it contains far more math than im comfortable with .Besides playing games, i also enjoy reading,listening to music and  attempting to play something sounding like songs (kind of hard at the moment  , since my guitar is horribly out of tune ,and i have not  bothered tuning it yet) 

Offline Keggi

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Re: Ironbreaker Application
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2008, 07:23:57 PM »
hi thordek

thanks for the great application please contact beosvir/tharild/vacuum/gladin/keggi
or poke a guildy for an invite. :)
« Last Edit: October 03, 2008, 07:25:42 PM by Keggi »