Author Topic: Your greatest thrill, worst disaster and/or strangest thing you've ever done.  (Read 4495 times)

Offline Macrune

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Greatest Thrill's -

Bungee jumping from the Kawarau Bridge in NZ followed by taking a jetboat ride in they Shotover river canyons the following week.
Dropping 40+ meters on a length of cord from a perfectly good bridge and riding at 60 miles per hour in a boat in water less than 30cm deep past rocks the size of a family car tested my blood pressure and then some.

Worst disaster -

 Tough one because what I would class as a distaster may not be the same for other people. There's a choice of two i recon.

1. Breaking both cruciates and the medial ligament in my right knee, dislocating my jaw, breaking my nose and left wrist, dislocating my left shoulder, breaking 3 ribs on the left side of my ribcage and puncturing my left lung.  All this occurred at the same time. I lost an argument with a Post Office transit van on a road in the Lake District called hardknott Pass.  I was coming down, he was going up and he didn't see me until it was to late. Apparently the impact wrote off his van as well as me and my bike. I spent 5 weeks in hospital, had a total of 7 operations and 9 months off work.
2. Marrying the wrong woman the first time around. It cost me everything I owned (including a 5 bed semi) apart from the clothes on my back and my car. Oh and i still have to pay her £500 a month for another 10 years yet. And she was the one whom did the dirty so to speak.

Strangest thing I've ever done -

A few years ago i spent 3 days in full Hazchem gear picking through the wreckage of a crashed 747 Korean cargo plane looking for bits of the crew. It had crashed just after take off and had exploded on impact. As it was carrying a full load of fuel it left a hole 200 foot long and 30 foot deep with a debris field covering several miles. The hazchem suit was required as the a 747 cargo plane has a fairly substantial amount of uranium in its build which when burnt becomes rather nasty (so I'm told). The largest part we found was a piece of scalp about 10cm sq hanging from a branch of a tree.
A married man should forget his mistakes.  There's no use in two people remembering the same thing!
Eagles may soar but weasel's don't get sucked into jet engines!

Offline Mangala

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Just reading your injuries makes me sore. I can only imagine in my nightmares what it was like for you.
"May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk."

Offline Torgal

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Holy shit, that hazchem tale is mental.

Order Torgal / Allein / Iapetus / Mellir / Ganymede
Destruction Stikklebrix / Mimas


Offline Macrune

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well come on then some of share the dirt. From what ive seen we are all a fairly well travelled lot so there must be some great storys out there you can share  ;D
A married man should forget his mistakes.  There's no use in two people remembering the same thing!
Eagles may soar but weasel's don't get sucked into jet engines!

Offline Keggi

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i once stubbed my toe on a chair :'(

thats as interesting as my lifes been  ;D