The Lounge > The Dog & Duck


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Silly I know but I'm so happy :D
I've just today managed to get the last parts of my hunting licence done :)

Now to get a rifle and shoot all the little or larger critters I'm allowed to shoot in the forest :)

(Benefit of having property hehe I have somewhere to hunt, which on a sidenote I'll be the owner off by january 1st as my dad is transfering it to my brothers and I)

When/if I manage to score my first critter I'll post it (perhaps hehe unless Jon disapproves of course)

My old barber goes hunting every weekend. Is it for sport or for population control?

I like my meat (wink wink), but killing animals just for the hell of it is something I've never quite understood. If it's for food or population control, then I get it.

I remember my dad skinning a few hares, that an acquaintance shot, in our backyard. Intestines are loooooooooooong. Because of the ammo used, we had to be super careful eating it and watch out for bits of it. Bit silly.

I also remember a lot of chickens being slaughtered at an old farm next door. White chickens. Yeah... Big ole pile of bloody chicken heads next to the chopping block. Headless chicken corpses flapping their wings. Some running around the courtyard because they actually escaped the bucket. That was equally funny and scary. Bloody streams running all the way down the farm yard.

Yeah... I'm going to fry me some nuggets. 

Food :) of course :) healthy natural food. Would never shoot an animal just for fun.

Yay. And I forgot: grats on the license! :D

What do you need to do to get a license where you live?

Have to first pass a theoretical test consisting of laws and species recognition. After that to get to shoot you need to pass shooting tests consisting of shotgun, basic rifle and moving target rifle.


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